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Date Posted: 20:22:06 01/05/04 Mon
Author: Paul J
Subject: Re: Draft Protocol
In reply to: Niki 's message, "Re: Draft Protocol" on 20:06:46 01/05/04 Mon

Sorry things are vague !

Basically Niki is inputting a ton of draftees into the FWL files right now, this should be done by the weekend hopefully. I'll then display this list by the weekend and also list the draft order for each round for every team.

Then about 4 or 5 days later people send me their draft lists...


Round 1: QB Bill Smith, HB Adam Watkins etc....

or like this..

Round 5 : Best QB by SP, IN, HA

Just make sure you cover yourself, eg in Round 1 if you pick 15th make sure you give 15 players in case somehow most of your list is already gone

For the later rounds it is preffered if you do it like the second option (Eg WR by HA, SP, ST) as thats easier to do and quicker than to go by hand and look through the list to see if that player is still available.

Doing it by hand is tough and stressful ! Jason and Niki are helping out this season which is cool

I will secretly pick some positive sleepers (Players whos skills might be 80 80 80 but i up their ratings after they are drafted and negative sleepers (players who look decent but are worst) and there is one holdout in the first round.

This is to make things more realistic. Eg you could draft a Terrell Davis in the 5th round. As you can see their stats its too 'robotic' hence i add this to make it more real

After the rookies are signed then you can sign them to your roster

You can 'protect' 5 players from your team. This way you could then put some rookies on your team who after a training camp they might be good enough to stick on your team. On the protected list could be a 12th year veteran who wouldnt benefit from another TC

Then after training camp you need to tell me which players you will keep and which ones you will cut. We then have the Week 1 games and then all players are FA's who arent on a roster.

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