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Date Posted: 22:01:00 04/17/05 Sun
Author: Kaleb
Subject: Though he was officially off work on pat-leave - and had been for over a month already, and wouldn't be back on regular rotation for a couple more months atleast - he had taken advantage of the semi-quiet afternoon to meet the guys at the 'house for a quick lunch. He had only been gone for about an hour, but was letting himself back in quietly now - closing the door softly behind himself because he knew Greg had been napping when he left, and just incase his baby girl had dozed off. Crouching down to greet Keiko in the kitchen, he ruffled the dog's ears enthusiastically - despite all the chaos, he had been taking it all so well and had been absolutely no trouble - and then straightened again to pad quietly into the living room to track down his girls...
In reply to: Gabby 's message, "
We are Family
on 21:52:27 04/17/05 Sun

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  • She looked up as she heard the door, as quiet as he had been, a smile crossing her pretty spanish face. "Hey.." One of these days she would start doing something with herself again - the past week had been spent in big tee shirts and warm up shorts or sweats with her hair pulled back in some sort of bun or ponytail. "Good lunch?" She questioned, shifting the baby to the other side as she shifted on the couch to get more comfortable and allow some room for him. (NT) -- Gabby, 22:03:10 04/17/05 Sun

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