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Date Posted: 22:03:10 04/17/05 Sun
Author: Gabby
Subject: She looked up as she heard the door, as quiet as he had been, a smile crossing her pretty spanish face. "Hey.." One of these days she would start doing something with herself again - the past week had been spent in big tee shirts and warm up shorts or sweats with her hair pulled back in some sort of bun or ponytail. "Good lunch?" She questioned, shifting the baby to the other side as she shifted on the couch to get more comfortable and allow some room for him.
In reply to: Gabby 's message, "
We are Family
on 21:52:27 04/17/05 Sun

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  • "Hey baby..." He broke a soft smile and shifted to settle onto the couch with both of them, pausing to kiss Gabby's cheek and then the top of his daughter's head before responding. "Yeah... The guys send their love and want us to bring her to visit as soon as you're ready." He murmured softly, an arm slipping slowly around her shoulders. Though he would be happy going back to work once all was going smoothly and the baby was a little easier to manage, he couldn't possibly have been more content with his little family right now. (NT) -- Kaleb, 22:17:06 04/17/05 Sun

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