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Date Posted: 05:21:03 11/17/01 Sat
Author: D'Loris
Subject: "S-so....are...are we done?"
In reply to: Mahhr-Sel 's message, "He lit a cigar in the shadows..." on 05:46:20 10/23/01 Tue

The prostitute sat on the edge of the bed, shaking though the room was hot. Wisps of thick smoke from Mahhr-Sel's cigar groped her shoulders, causing another involuntary shiver.

"I said, are we DONE?" She turned to face her client, reclining in the shadows, thankful that it was in fact so dark. She was certain she wouldn't have had the courage to speak so would that she could see him. His only reply was a muffled grunt. D'Loris winced now as several creds flew at her from the shadows. Slipping to the floor, she groped around to find where they had fallen. She squeezed her eyes tightly as she heard an unmistakable click from behind; when she opened them she saw that he had in fact turned on the light. Already dressed, she threw on her vest and shoved whatever creds she had found into the pockets. There would be no delaying, no waiting to see him again. "I-I'm leaving now..."

She fumbled with the latch on the door, his chuckles like needles in her flesh. Noticing now how many bites and scratches decorated her arms, and imagining how the rest of her must look, the irony of the metaphor was not lost. Sobbing, she finally got the door open and fled into the night. A pirate cleaning his knife leaned against the wall, witnessing her abrupt departure. He glanced at Mahhr-Sel, now standing in the doorway. Their eyes met for a moment, a mutual unspoken "mind your business" passing between them. The pirate spat and walked away even as Mahhr-Sel closed the door. A mile up the road around a corner at the end of an alley, D'Loris would collapse and lose consciousness. By morning, there would be very little left of the body to identify her, let alone identify the gelatinous remains as a body...

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