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Date Posted: 20:40:10 09/09/02 Mon
Author: Lyisa Cannis
Subject: +Entrada+
In reply to: Vegekyt Qyxaaiax 's message, "~!@#$%^&*()_+" on 20:33:59 09/07/02 Sat

+Follows male in laboriously, leaning heavily on crutch, eventually catching up in time to hear spoken words. Oculi widen slightly at sight of many different species, namely the Korat Redwood, who seemed to have an air that made one defer to. Thoughts turn from friend on journeys who had been a black Korat, Vyzen, before she had disappeared, to present.
Um, I was looking for a habitable planet, and this ship attacked me with no provacation. It was very ugly, a tawdry yellow color, and had a angular shape to it. Usually I can name the ships of different species, but this was one I had never seen before. It was pretty sluggish, but I hit it several times and it never left a scratch. I'm certain I scored the main engine, but it didn't even leave a dent! I think it must have had very heavy shields, maybe I could have taken it if it hadn't suprised me, but Falcon is equipped with only light shielding. I rely on my speed and turning capabilities mostly. At one point I attempted radio contact with the ship, though I didn't get an answer on any frequency in any language.
Light optics of young Canoid flick downard for a moment, noticing that she had lapsed from Basic to Spacegoing Standard as far as language went during explanation. True, Standard had been her first language, as all frequent spacers fem had been required to learn many other strange languages to deal with other species. Turn is made to'ard adults, admittedly young pilot bows slightly remembering to give greeting, left out in earlier moment.
Botze ze Cha, I am Lyisa Cannis, pilot of the ship Falcon Free. I hope that I shall be accepted on this beautiful planet to which I have fallen.
Curiousity wells, thoughts a'whirl as to the identity of attacker, for she would have vengeance. Though only twelve turns had been seen by feminae, already she was tightly bonded with her own crafted battleship, angered at the thought of the exquisite craft being torn to pieces by another~

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