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Date Posted: 16:41:09 09/19/02 Thu
Author: The Five Deaths
Subject: Pleased....
In reply to: Redwood, Akartis, Gu, Washi, Dree, Phia Pride #2 's message, "I'm alive! No really... I am... or at least Redwood decides she dun like me anymore... >,<" on 21:02:52 09/18/02 Wed

The brown-markinged tan grins in approval of each of the arriving warriors, even her own, which she picked out by hand, or rather, paw. Keeping one blue eye on the Zantarag, she smiles and knods back, well pleased with the Kytan's ability to control himself. Good boy, Zantarag, She tele-thinks to the Zantarag. Keep your nose clean and at this rate, you'll live to see a glorified life as a warrior. Stay alive buddy, and you can help beat the tar out of some Drakka butt.
Casting her glance at the young Sina and the never-tiring energizer Cano-Kiara (ehe), she mentally chuckles. When this war is over those two could become rambunctious... if not destructive... playmates. With a slight smile, she goes through a similar scent-and-marking memorization for each of the Phias and the Vygun pilots. Terole will not lose, and even if she did, those Drakka would see we are not about to go down without one btsa of a fight.

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