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Date Posted: 13:58:26 05/26/02 Sun
Author: Cybertronian Betacron
Subject: "No, this is not the end"
In reply to: Lady Embyr 's message, ""Is this then how it ends?"" on 20:27:53 04/28/02 Sun

Betacron lifted his head from his hands, and stood to address his fellow senators, nay, his fellow Cybertronians.

This is not the end!

His voice boomed in the great halls, everyone was watching him now.

There are no "ends" there are only beginnings. We must take Embyr's words into consideration my commrads. We've faced bigger, we've faced stronger. Unicron gave us the same threat as these, these "bugs," and we defeated him didn't we! WE think we have done all we can, all that can be done. We're wrong. Yes, we have a fleet up there, but is that all we can do? This is not only a space war, it is a war on the home front. Our people are suffering commrads, dying. And what are we doing. Nothing. We sit and we debate. I say we go, and we fight. Not as soldiers, but as the publicfigures we are. WE can do more. WE need to vote and pass emergancy powers, supplies, and weaponry. We need to do somthing!

Betacron sat once more, feeling just a bit better, his fellow cybertronians still staring, contemplating. It was all they could do short of picking up a blaster and going up there themselves.

We shall never give up...we shall never surrender!
-Winston Churchill-

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