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Date Posted: 08:40:12 01/01/02 Tue
Author: Lord Lye-Onitron
Subject: Normally, any information from the military would pass directly to Nav-Ops.

Any data-feeds (standard operations when it came to Cybertronian military) would be sent to a bank using a form of pre-transwarp technology (which eventually became the "in" to the discovery of transwarp). This bank of information would be viewed by Intel Officers unless it was flagged by the active soldiers. In that case, those data-feeds would be the first to be viewed.

There was nothing abnormal about the constant data, except that in this case, Lord Lye-Onitron had vested interest in the situation and had been receiving reports throughout the days...

It was this reason alone that he was privy to the data-feed that was coming in. He had, after all, authorized (without the other Senator's knowledge) the search for Starbases. He had after all pulled some serious strings in the Cybertronian Military to get the ball moving. It could have been an enviable situation if for the fact that Lord Lye-Onitron had not predicted this one thing...that there would actually be an event occuring at this station of the potential magnitude he was receiving.

He lay back and closed his eyes as he waited for this meeting to start, striking a form of extreme calm on the exterier while his data banks opened wide ot the intel that was coming in...unflagged, unviewed by Nav-Ops. He was the first on Cybertron to see this and he almost shuddered.

The military hadn't labeled the ones placing the charges nor would they. Using such labels during military operations was too indicative of the Great Wars. But Lord Lye-Onitron had no such qualms and could see with his own eyes the persons placing the charges were in fact Decepticons.

And they were not AOD...

Are these Embyr's people? When I had given her that Intel I had expected her to notify AOD...but this...this is too blatant for her...

Decius then? No. Also too blatant. Those two would try something else before disabling such an asset. No matter, the holocard has been dealt...time to play the hand...

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