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Date Posted: 15:42:23 08/05/02 Mon
Author: dori
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Subject: Mondo
In reply to: Mondo 's message, "Thanks Dori" on 11:57:53 08/05/02 Mon

Sorry if I came down a little hard on you, but you say it's only the internet and you don't take sides, but you did take sides with ACNE/SAK and Sola/Dolly when you said they made a good case against Rev Jack. What case? Anybody can say they looked up evidence about an organization and it's all on public record... blah blah blah.... What does that prove? That is why I was surprised you bought that line. The things those people say about nice people and the number of sites they've closed down is amazing. Connie, a 68 year-old God loving saint of a woman was reviled and ridiculed on the Reagan site by these people for merely disagreeing with them. Sola, posting as dorki, wondered if Connie and another person who posted there had gone down in the basement so she could suck on his tailpipe. This was pretty common fare from her. She used her "humor" to lampoon all of the people who she did not consider to be worthy. Her biggest hatred is against Catholicism, so that made me a popular target.
I guess I'm just disappointed in someone as sharp as you are falling for their line. I'm sorry for getting on your case.

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