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Subject: Re: IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America

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Date Posted: 05/ 8/03 9:09am PDT
In reply to: Chris 's message, "IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America" on 01/16/02 8:55pm PST

I have read the article today. I really took pity to those Filipinos outhere who deny their origin. Out country has a very rich and very colorful history dating back to the time of Jesus. It was said that Jesus himself reached the Philippines. Our country has one of the most oldest history. Among the Asian nations, we have the most complex lineage of all. We are the melting pot of every existing culture in the world, thus making us unique. Look at Filipinos in every different part of the world. It's not difficult for us to blend to other culture because we are already used in adjusting to different cultures that were being introduced to us. The very first foreigner that came here were the Moros then the Chinese. They have been here for a long time before the Malays came. There is no such thing as pure-blooded Filipino but our lineage is the integration of the world's culture. We should be proud that we are such. How many country in the world could say that their culture is the melting pot of all the cultures of the world? If you will just look closely the Filipinos in their teens. The identity crises is unheard of in our culture. it is highly unusual for a Filipino teen to go through that period of identity crisis. According to a survey done by the American experts back here in the Philippines, there is no generation x in us. You know why? Because we are generasian. What does that mean? it means that as a race, we have never been confused of who we are. there is no such thing as identity crises in our lineage. That is because we know where we come from and we know our history. But look at the American culture. Look at their teens. A lot of them are confused of their identity. We should be proud of our LAHI.

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Re: IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in AmericaAnthony04/12/04 6:47pm PDT

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