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Subject: Re: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)

john hernandez
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Date Posted: 04/ 1/04 1:19pm PST
In reply to: Jon 's message, "Re: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)" on 03/24/04 11:39am PST

I am a pinoy from Cali.I may have the hispanic lastname but i do not claim i am of hispanic origin. i may have fair skin and chinky eyes, but i do not claim i am chinese. I do claim,however, with all pride,I am Filipino,of south-east asian (malay) race. I'm born and raised in the Philippines. Just been here for two years. I despise how Filipinos try to deiviate from their true origin-how they claim their "pacific-islanders" or "hispanic-mix" and not as Asians. I see it as a way for them to feel "special" and to be not like the other Asian people. I know we're from the Islands, but have you ever been thought in school that u are an Islander?? No.School in the Philippines tell us that we are Asian, because we are part of Asia.Period. I mean, I have friends here that are chinese, vietnamese, hmong,malaysian and cambodian BUT NONE of them say that they are different from each other, ALL CLAIM to be Asian. We are Asian because we originated in Asia. To say we are other than that, to be a special breed, we are just living a lie the Colonist embeded in our stained society. To say we are Pacific-Islanders is to say that Japanese people are also pacific-islanders and not Asian because they also live on islands. Filipinos are people from the Philippines...the chinese,the malays, the negritos,the mix,the bumbays,,,i mean what the hell...we are filipino's not because we look the same..it is because we love the culture,it is because we love the food, it is because, most especially, WE laugh at the same corny jokes. Your true blooded pinoy, 21 year old, John Hernandez.

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Subject Author Date
Re: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)ttt06/22/05 8:33pm PDT

Re: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)Abu Ali (Proud to be Malay)08/17/06 8:16am PDT

Re: 95.5% Malay, 1.5% Chinese and 3% Others (Spanish, Negrito, American, Etc.)Frank09/ 8/06 2:05am PDT

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