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Subject: Re: IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America

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Date Posted: 09/ 5/04 9:11pm PDT
In reply to: gloria pickett 's message, "Re: IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in America" on 06/ 6/04 12:08pm PDT

Ugh! Excuse me, but I think your comment is, like, total... ugh! You epitomize what the IMSCF syndrome is all about - your so-called freedom to choose ethics versus Pinoy-in-a-box is so lame - it masks the hidden shame and resentment you feel for being a Filipino. Do you know how far you are from your country? It's beyond miles, I tell you.

This sudden, got-used-to mix of cultures that you and ten million overseas FILIPINOS feel you experience cannot deny you the fact that you will share the legacy that is the Filipino legacy - it's in your blood! The same blood that other, better, more dignified Filipinos shed for he country that now has lost it's purpose with the existence of disgraceful people, who choose to pursue selfish agenda, albeit a mask of that shitty "The Matrix" philosophy. If you were born from Filipino parents - that is, coming from the mainland - however Spanish your way of living is (which, by the way, is so not unusual) it makes up for what the Filipinos are or even not at all! What strikes me is that you put these things apart and consider yourself entitled to both. Honestly, there is more to having a national inclusion than education or upbringing. To argue with conforming or not conforming to the typical Juan is so false. It should come naturally.

Now that people realize how bad thigs are going and will soon be for Filipinos all over the world, the true sickness and cause of the decay of the word "filipino" is realized. Yes, I HAVE spent years abroad and am now studying in the state university here. I've see the plight of both struggling and indulgent filipinos here and abroad. I work for the free student press, knew the issues, and found a stand. The Filipino culture is i shambles because people choose to tear it apart. Please think about this.

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Re: IMSCF Syndrome ("I'm Spanish-Chinese-Filipino" Syndrome) in AmericaR. Arce10/23/04 1:12am PDT

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