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Subject: Re: No, Filipinos aren't Asian for the most part. C'est une chose triste mais c'est la verité.

What a load of s**t.
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Date Posted: 06/26/05 9:55pm PDT
In reply to: Gino Ruggiero Eje Navarete Acosta Lapuebla Canlas 's message, "No, Filipinos aren't Asian for the most part. C'est une chose triste mais c'est la verité." on 05/10/05 8:39pm PDT

"Filipinos have a valid claim to the possession of European features due to the fact that our women were incessantly raped by the Spanish clergy"

Not true, race mixing was almost non-existent in the Philippines. Real mestizos that were fathered by a Spanish father and a Pinay mother were so limited in numbers, that today they still don't account for more than 2% of the entire Philippines. Colonial records show that of all the Spanish colonies, race mixing was almost non-existent in the Philippines and was discouraged, which is why we don't speak Spanish like every other country that was a Spanish colony.

Places like Mexico and the rest of Latin America race mixing was SO common, that mestizos soon became the majority of the population in most countries there. Also, over 90% of the Spanish men who were fathering Latin America's mestizos with American Indian women weren't part of the clergy. Most were settlers, conquistadors, etc. The Philippines never received Spanish settlers, apart from the clergy, the only Spaniards and Mexicans that were sent
were a hanful of people to act as governors in cities and towns. In fact, in most towns the mayor was the only Spanish person.

"Genetically, we are more closely related to Indo-Arabic nationalities than Orientals--explaining why we have a Moro(Moors - Islamic peoples) population in Mindanao"

This has already been addressed in an earlier post. But I forgot to mention one thing. "Moro" originally meant Moors in Spanish, and were/are a Muslim caucasoid Berber people of North Africa. In the 16th c. the name "Moro" was bestowed by the Spaniards on the ethnic Malay people native to the southern Philippines who also had Islam as their religion after being Islamized by Muslim traders arriving in the Malay archipelago.

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Re: No, Filipinos aren't Asian for the most part. C'est une chose triste mais c'est la verité.Fifi07/ 4/05 6:31am PDT

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