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Subject: Re: No, Filipinos aren't Asian for the most part. C'est une chose triste mais c'est la verité.

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Date Posted: 07/ 4/05 6:31am PDT
In reply to: What a load of s**t. 's message, "Re: No, Filipinos aren't Asian for the most part. C'est une chose triste mais c'est la verité." on 06/26/05 9:55pm PDT

Hmp. But take note that MANY MEXICANS AND SPANISH POLITICAL JUVENILES WERE EXILED TO THE COUNTRY. You're forgetting the exiles. I wouldn't disagree with you that not many Spaniards "SETTLED" during the colonial days, but heck but to say that the clergys and the officers were the ONLY Mexicans or Spanish who settled in the country, that is a BIG FAT LIE. Infact, many South American Mulattoes, too were exiled to the country. Come on don't tell me that the MALE clergies, soldiers and convicts mated with each other? And besides, majority of the mestizos are NOT fathered by the priets, there are some but most mestizos were fathered by the soldiers, exiles and settlers. And don't forget that there are studies that around 10-20% of Filipinos do have some Chinese Ancestry. There was also a wave of Japanese who settled in the Philippines during the Spanish Colonial Era

I bet you got most of your RACIST statements fro WIKIPEDIA or other "faulty" online FAKE encyclopedias.

You need to read more from OTHER sources. Let me provide a good link. And take note, the things written here were dated back during the 1800's when Spain was still in the Philippines. Most of these are observances of foreigners (during the colonial era)


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