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Subject: Re: No, Filipinos aren't Asian for the most part. C'est une chose triste mais c'est la verité.

Andy McVaye
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Date Posted: 09/14/05 2:47pm PDT
In reply to: Gino Ruggiero Eje Navarete Acosta Lapuebla Canlas 's message, "No, Filipinos aren't Asian for the most part. C'est une chose triste mais c'est la verité." on 05/10/05 8:39pm PDT

Indo-Arabic? Are you simply stupid or what??? And you even drag the Muslim Population of the south to make your claim seem credible??? Unbelieveable! Why, almost ALL nations of southeast asia including Malaysia is Muslim!Would you say that they are Indo-Arabs as well?(then again you specified the Malaysians as non Indo-Arabs). Man! Look at yourself and your neighbors! Don't you think you resemble Indonesians, Malaysians and other pacific islanders (exluding melanesians of course)more than Iraqis or Pakistanis? Do you honestly think that you look like some Indian or Arab guy? Come on! Don't fool yourself into thinking that the Filipino nation is a separate race. All southeast asian peoples are of one and the same race! You can only claim Indo-Arab heritage if you can particularly identify a relative who came out of either the Indian subcontinent or the Arabian peninsula. Same goes for other races (like me for instance, I can say I am Anglo-Filipino since my dad is White American). But if you are just the average pinoy, come on! Accept the fact that you are not unique and you and your other southeast asian neighbors are kin.

BTW, what's with the french title? Are you going to claim French heritage as well?

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