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Date Posted: 10:06:29 06/10/06 Sat
Author: Courtney
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Skeeter 's message, "
I'm trying to forget that
I'm addicted to you
but I want it and I need it
I'm addicted to you
on 09:45:05 06/10/06 Sat

(Since Haylie had gotten sick with the virus from Kyrian, the wonderful people down in the labs were trying to determine the exact way that the virus was transmitted and if she had gotten exposed while working with Haylie.. so she had been subjected to a bunch of tests upon returning that morning. Most of them were no big deal, questions and temperatures, blood pressure and urine samples.. but then they had gone in to take a sample of the fluid that surrounded her brain, the same fluid that had become infected in both Haylie and Kyrian's cases.. and well, that hurt. They had gone in through the back of her head with a needle and given her a massive headache in the process, so se was feeling grumpy. Then she had had to sit through debriefing with Remy, which had actually gone well and was quick and she had appreciated that, giving her commanding officer a few brownie points for later. Now she was sitting on her bed, her legs crossed indian style and a pile of pillows behind her propping her up as she reclined back, idly flipping through the channels on the television. When she heard the knock, she looked over and contemplated getting up but her head ached and it was making her crabby.) Come in. (She called out, taking a deep breath and curbing her mood.. the last thing she ever wanted to do was take out her mood on someone else.)

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