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Date Posted: 08:02:40 09/18/06 Mon
Author: Gia
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Justin 's message, "inside" on 07:55:47 09/18/06 Mon

(It was an odd sort of arrangement they had.. sort of a wary dance where both agreen not to touch the other and eyes were always warily locked on the other to make sure no false moves were made. It bugged her, on a primal level, half they time she didn't know how to feel at all. As they pulled into the lot at the restaurant, her stomach actually felt a bit empty and she all but rejoiced.. maybe the baby was hungry for once. Looking over as his cell rang, she sank back in the seat and morously watched the traffic zip by on the freeway nearby, listening to his half of the conversation and wondering who he was talking to and when he had become the parenting specialist. When she realized he was talking to her, she turned her head to look at him and arched a brow. Braden? She had met him in passing, well.. if passing meant dragging her out of a building, anyways. She smiled a little despite the nervousness inside her.) You did fine. Maybe that's why he calls you. (She said, shrugging one shoulder and reaching for her purse before getting out of the car. The last thing she needed to do was get into a discussion about parenting with him and let her hormones take over.. he would probably freak out if she started blubbering in his car.)

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