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Date Posted: 08:48:37 10/16/06 Mon
Author: Shay
Subject: inside
In reply to: Braden 's message, "inside" on 08:34:13 10/16/06 Mon

"I have money." She stated, leaving the singles in his hand and turning around on her heel to head towards the vending machines. She took her sweet time there, picking out a candy bar for herself, a cup of coffee - decaff - and a bottle of water for him. When she came back, she handed him the water and then put her purse in the chair next to him, then sat herself down in the chair next to her purse so there was a space between them. She was just livid at his absolute lack of caring. For one thing, the more he strained his leg, the longer it was going to take to heal, that was more time he would be off of it. Chase was already always wanting Daddy to walk with him, crawl with him and wrestle with him like he did before daddy got his 'boo boo' and if Remy permantly fucked up his leg who knew how long it would be before he got to do that with his kid again. She understood that he felt responsible for the families of the people in the explosion but damnit, he had a family too and it just seemed like he wasn't even there with them half the time. Sure, he physically was sitting in his chair but his mind was a mile away and she couldn't count how many times his office phone had rang and he'd jumped up, putting so much weight onto his leg that he would cry out in pain and then just hobble on into his office to take the call. Damn it. Didn't want to play with Chase? Didn't he want to talk walks with her? Didn't he want to get better? Everything had been so chaotic, they had barely even spoke about her pregnancy since she had told him...sure he had been excited then but now it just seemed to kind of take the back burner to all the things he 'needed' to do.

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