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Date Posted: 09:10:02 10/20/06 Fri
Author: Reese
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Braden 's message, "inside" on 08:39:34 10/20/06 Fri

(She was positively glowing as she watched him saddle up the horse, a giddy sort of excitement building inside of her as she followed him out into the arena. She stood in a slight state of awe as she watched him, a bit of nervousness wrapping up with the excitement she was feeling as she saw the mare rearing, wondering if she would do that when she was riding her. But that part of her that trusted Braden with her very life knew that he would never intentionally put her in danger, and that lessened the fear she felt inside. The smile returned as he dismounted and she walked over to his side, putting her hand up on the saddle like he said, letting out a yelp as he lifted her into the saddle as though she literally weighed nothing. She setted in and slipped her feet into the stirrups, looking down at him with a fierce sort of concentration. She reined the mare around and let her walk in around the outside of the arena as she waited for Braden to return. As he led his horse into the arena and mounted, she found herself shamelessly staring at him.. somehow being astride a horse like Zephyr only served to make him look more powerful and more imposing than ever. And.. it made him look hot.. like, seriously hot. That cowboy had made a hell of a lot more sense.. and his armani style and leather jacket brought out the cleanshaven look of him in a celebrity sort of way.. yeah, he was just plain hot. She tugged lightly on the reins and brought Gypsy to a stop near him.) You look so good on that horse.. (She said in an awed voice, not thinking about what she was saying.)

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