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Date Posted: 09:37:55 10/22/06 Sun
Author: Reese
Subject: Inside
In reply to: Braden/Skeeter 's message, "
Well you are who you are and that's alright with me
But I am who I am and that's all I can be
on 07:09:26 10/16/06 Mon

(She too dug into her food after a murmured thanks, her stomach having realized just how hungry it was and putting up a vocal protest to even a moment's wait. She hadn't eaten since earlier at lunch, and in the excitement of the evening she hadn't bothered to snack, so she was pretty hungry. Every so often during the meal, she would find herself looking at him, admiring him really, he was such a handsome man.. hot, really.. and he had such an amazing personality.. as odd as it sounded, and it made her appreciate him for who he was. It was peaceful, listening to the rustle of the horses as they moved around, grazing quietly in the distance.. the woods surrounding the clearing gave it a sort of secluded charm that wasn't lost on her. When the meal was over and he tugged her over to lay with him, she did so without a moments hesitation, letting him drape her body over his, shifting so that her hand rest over his chest as she curled against him. She smiled as she lifted her eyes to him, drawing a small circle on his chest with a single manicured fingernail.) I'm fine.. you're keeping me warm. (She said softly, wishing desperately that she could get inside his head and figure out what he was thinking. She was feeling all sorts of nervous and not entirely sure why, probably because she was over analyzing things. With a deep breath, she resolved to stop thinking and simply feel.. because, well, she hadn't had a night this amazing in her life.)

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