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Date Posted: 13:47:33 02/17/07 Sat
Author: Becca
Author Host/IP: pool-72-81-243-194.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net /
Subject: Re: I used to put a little spoon of yogurt into a baby food jar lid for my flyers
In reply to: Bill 's message, "Re: I used to put a little spoon of yogurt into a baby food jar lid for my flyers" on 23:23:12 02/16/07 Fri

I took her to the vet yesterday - found one that would see her.

They briefly knocked her out so that they could x-ray her and draw some blood. While she was out they injected her with some calcium and Vit D3.

The results are that she has cataracts, thinning of the bones and potentially some trauma to her spine and hips - most likely from a fall (he said it's hard to tell, but there are 2 "suspicious areas".

He gave me prednisone to give her in a tapering dose over the next two weeks to help with the inflammation. He also said to go ahead and dose her with the Vitamin D3 and Calcium combo supplement I bought (he reviewed it). So I am currently dosing her every 12 hours with prednisone and every 8 with the vitamin cocktail.

I get her out of her nest box and hold her wrapped in a little piece of fleece so that I can make sure she's getting all of the meds/vits from the little syringe (no needle, just a 1mL syringe so that I can accurately measure how much she gets.

She's in a small cage right now with just her nest box and some food and water (the vet's recommendation, to limit her ability to climb and fall for now.

I'm hoping to see the results some of you have seen. Any recommendations on how to get her to eat broccoli and kale and the like? She's always ignored it when I put it in her cage, which is why she wasn't getting enough Vit D. She just doesn't seem to like it. I'd like her to eat some natural sources of the vitamins, and not just hope she's getting enough from the vitamins in her water.

Thank you all again for all of your support and advice. I really appreciate it. It's just breaking my heart to see her like this. She looks so scared and hurt. :( I feel like the worst squirrel mommy. I hate that I had to learn the hard way. Thank you for helping me take MUCH better care of her going forward. I am so grateful to you all.

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