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Date Posted: 20:59:35 02/17/07 Sat
Author: Bobbie
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: The vet who x-rayed my flyer just wet a wash cloth and laid it over him.
In reply to: Becca 's message, "Re: I used to put a little spoon of yogurt into a baby food jar lid for my flyers" on 13:47:33 02/17/07 Sat

The vet who x-rayed my flyer just wet a wash cloth and laid it over him. He was very still and the x-ray was successful without having to use drugs. The vet told me my flyer had evidence of a back injury also (my flyer was a foundling who had fallen from a 70 ft. pine tree in a windstorm 4 years earlier as a baby). He survived that episode and lived another year and a half. I would encourage you to give yours, along with the other things you are giving, yogurt, cranberry juice, esbilac, and he might eat the dark veggies if you put a little peanut butter on them. Stick with the vitamins etc. and if you have time, take him outside in a very,very secure small cage and let him soak up some sunshine for about 15 mins. when weather permits. You are on the right track and don't blame yourself so much...you saw a need, asked for help and found a vet for him, that would have never happened if he were in the wild, he is lucky to have a caring person like you to own (and he does own you, not the other way around). You are a HOF! Human owned by flyer!

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