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Date Posted: 04:58:35 10/02/19 Wed
Author: Frederick (angry)
Subject: Harm and Ma NCIS LA
In reply to: Mary Dee 's message, "NCIS Premier" on 18:21:37 10/01/19 Tue

I am also so angry about that reunion. What the hell did they think doing this. The storyline was awefull. I cannot understand how Catherine and David were willing to do so and even think we would like this. I am with you, he doesn´t seem to miss her or even care for her. We got more questions than answers. I don´t know if I would say DJE´s portrayal of HArm was wooden or one-dimensional.I would say they wrote the figure of HARM totally out of character. They led him say some totally immature and stupid lines. My favorite line was "but I love the carrier". I mean this is the saying of a five year old but not of a 56 year old XO of an aircraft carrier. So they haven´t seen each other in 9 years and i would say neither talked or done something else (e-mail, Twitter ). She wants to talk it out in a meeting by chance. He does not even want to discuss it. Is this the behavior of two people in love. No. They are done. Gemmill said he put some distance between them. I would not call it some. I would call it an ocean. But did you need to bring back two fictional characters after 14 years to let us know they are done. I think this was planned a while. Did nobody in this whole process say this is bad we can´t do this. Was it intension or just bad judgement and how will you come out of this.

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[> [> They did it to us again! -- Mo from Missouri, 17:58:14 10/02/19 Wed

Well said, Mary Dee!

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