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Date Posted: 14:50:19 07/30/14 Wed
Author: Cece
Subject: I was a huge shipper during the series run, and hated the last episode and the way they dealt with the ending. So I understand the desire to right the wrong, so to speak. (Inside)
In reply to: Alicia 's message, "I really like Harm and Mac's relationship in your version! (inside)" on 12:46:07 07/30/14 Wed

But I think it's too late to do that. I just know that I've never seen a reunion special that satisfied me. They have always been tv movie quality, complete with the scmaltzy music and easy-to-see-through plot themes, major catastrophes (like fires in the barn), and/or prevailing social themes with easy answers. And they always end with fake humour, cutesy kid and dog mishaps, or lovey-dovey romance. Nothing gritty, nothing clever, nuanced, or dramatically intriguing.

I don't think even a series would survive a mid-season cancellation, unless it was massively reworked. And that would probably mean new characters, (despite my possible scenario.) Sometimes, you just can't unbury the dead.

That is where fanfic comes in. Because there are still so many fans who want to read about the characters, and so many really good writers who enjoy getting the instant feed back, not to mention it costs nothing, JAG, Harm and Mac can live on in perpetuity, long after the actual actors have reached retirement.

Yet still, I would watch a reunion show out of curiosity more than anything else.

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