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Date Posted: 21:47:56 07/26/14 Sat
Author: Jan
Subject: I'm really sad to say, I'm with Cece.
In reply to: usmgrad 's message, "It's Tuesday night, do you know where OFC is?" on 21:30:13 07/22/14 Tue

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[> I do agree with the message that a re-union COULD work in the right writer's hands! Being that the main characters are still around and looking so good, albeit, a bit older -- it could work to see an opening sequence with an older Harm and Mac in bed together smilig, reminiscing, and thankful for all that they've become together...inside -- mj, 12:13:50 07/27/14 Sun

happily married, still actively involved in the running of JAG(Mac as JAG) and the Navy for Harm (he is the Secretary of the Navy!) and having 2-3, maybe 4 children (I like the idea of foster or adopted -- oh, of course, that includes Mattie), a couple of whom are military -- at least 1 Marine, 1 Navy, and maybe the others, too -- but might be fun if they are doing other stuff, like political journalists or doctors (although it would be cool to be a military MD, especially with all going on in the world today). Anyhow, they STILL have a never-ending list of escapades and stories with Webb a Senator now, and all kinds of topical issues coming up where Mac and Harm save the day. It can happen! Woo-hoo!

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[> [> Webb a Senator! What a thought! LOL -- JJ Ronda, 20:26:01 07/27/14 Sun

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[> [> [> We had a Senator Webb in Virginia, but he was NOT very good (didn't spend a lot of time Senate-ing). He didn't run again. He wrote at least one spy thriller novel, but his career was: Naval Academy, Marine, Vietnam, and SecNav (under Reagan). Inside for info. -- The Chief, 00:28:20 08/08/14 Fri

Here's the Wiki link....
If he'd have been a Republican, I think he would have been a MUCH better senator, but he pretty much clocked out of his senatorial duties about halfway in.


Kinda almost looks like Clay....

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