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Date Posted: 23:30:29 08/07/14 Thu
Author: Alicia
Subject: To me it was sll very disjointed, and its one I would have like to see the original before the revisions (inside)
In reply to: mkim 's message, "On a slightly different take on this subject. I remember alot of talk about why the writer didnt have Harm more involved in getting Sadik. If the writers insisted on keeping the sunglasses off, another reason to show damage to his face or eyes might have better explained Harm's reason to take a back seat in this. The hearing loss, while that's a pretty big deal,....." on 12:29:27 08/06/14 Wed

This also is one of my least favorite episodes, with probably the scrabble game being my favorite part which is kind of sad lol...

The hearing loss also gave them some comedy which apparently they were going for..

They had some good parallels, or imagined ones for me..

The battery which was odd on face value, could have been a parallel to the battery used to power the electrical torture in Paraguay. Some marks etc could have further brought that home.

In a passing remark in the script he was somewhat dejected he couldn't go with her.. but no biggie..

Yet, he was taken out of the picture--Sadik's plan..

He went from rescuer and protector to liability, and since he wasn't badly hurt quite aware of that-going back to his dream and need to go after her--but now he couldn't..

There should have been a scene of him in distress..instead he didn't seem to give it a passing thought.

Though I think Harm if the character was played true to type would have found a way..or heck made a phone call to get someone to watch her back..

Like the stuff with Webb and Tanveer-- it all just made me think well if Harm were there lol...

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[> [> [> [> Exactly! -- mkim, 00:19:23 08/08/14 Fri

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