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Date Posted: 21:30:13 07/22/14 Tue
Author: usmgrad
Subject: It's Tuesday night, do you know where OFC is?
Do you remember the episode? The story line? Why is Harm in camouflage? And why is he smiling?
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Season 1, Defensive Action, rescuing Lt. Painter who had to punch out over Bosnia. -- The Chief, 23:48:16 07/22/14 Tue
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it was on last night on INSP - I couldn't resist posting the photo. -- usmgrad, 08:40:37 07/23/14 Wed
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I watched this last week, loved seeing them all. i couldnt believe how young Terry Quinn looked. Krennick was her old sweet manipulative self. -- mkim, 12:10:41 07/23/14 Wed
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I'm not able to watch the reruns of JAG, but I sure miss the show and would love to see some sort of sequel, even if just a 2-hour movie or short run of episodes. There's alot of shows I where I think sequels are a mistake and maybe it is for JAG, too, but from the posts below, it's clear that there's still much interest in the show and the characters and I think it would be great to get some sort of 'closure' or a more satisfying 'ending' than what we got. What do you all think? -- mj, 07:59:37 07/24/14 Thu
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I would certainly watch it, but with low expectations. I've always found the reunion shows hokey, with fake story lines, and way too much schmalz. I can't imagine JAG PTB doing a good job. Still, it would be fun to see all the old gang back. (NOT the gang from S 10.) -- Cece, 14:48:42 07/24/14 Thu
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It's kind of like one of Harm's Catch 22s (inside) -- Alicia, 18:19:18 07/26/14 Sat
Should it happen? Yes.
Will it happen? Chances are slim to none for a host of reasons.
Could it be as good? Sure. With the right show runner.
Also almost 10 years have passed, so while the characters would in some respects be the same, they would also need to be different. Would that be an issue for the fans of the original? Maybe.
There are so many stories that could be told in a reboot/reunion, as well as tie up loose ends from the original.
With the 20th anniversary of the start of JAG and Harmon Rabb Jr. @ a year away, I've thought it would be neat to do an anniversary site, so I've been playing around with that idea. One of the thoughts has been where would they be now, if JAG were to come back.
So in my fantasy world where I get to do all the picking and choosing lol:
Harm of course is JAG, but also teaches a class at the academy. We need those broad demographics.
I would have him married to Mac, and they have a couple of kids, plus a foster son.
Fate did intervene and no one gave up their career. They did of course go to London, but becoming pregnant made the choices for them. She is now a special assistant to the SecNav. This way there is interaction, and Mac finally has it all, kids, a career and Harm.
Tiner is now his senior staff lawyer and a commander.
Bud went to London too and is now a judge.
Harm also has Jace, Kat, and Alex (Lexie). They all have their own backstories of which I won't bore anyone with.
Coates unfortunately has to die, so when they intermix with NCIS NO they can see her in that character ZM will play. Harm will of course feel responsible, there are a few scenarios for this.
Darlin is Harm's yeoman, with a bit of mystery here. Mattie either has died, runs Grace Aviation, or is aboard a carrier as a pilot with Josh Pendry. Chloe is a marine like Mac. This would be kind of like the next generation with familiar characters of the past. Age wise it fits.
AJ is in civilian practice so you never know what that could bring. AJ vs Harm with Bud as the judge :-), maybe.
Vukovich is there as well, but he is a bad guy, and short lived.
Yet regardless of the story they came up with as long as Harm's character was in it if it was based on the old show with original characters I would watch it to see what they came up with.
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I'D TO SEE THIS!!!! -- mkim, 19:13:42 07/26/14 Sat
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LOL!!!! I left out a word there......LOVE! -- mkim, 19:15:45 07/26/14 Sat
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Alicia, you should write on our fanfic board, (HBX). It sound like you have the basis for a written series. Okay, if I were to write it.... (inside.) -- Cece, 17:39:12 07/28/14 Mon
Actually, I have no idea what I'd write. First off, it always strikes me as Never Never Land to have everyone successful and happy. Yeah yeah, no one wants H and M to be unhappy, but that is why I like the Cindarella ending, "And they lived happily ever after." When it's done, it's done. Now they are different people and no longer dramatically interesting.
I might possibly like a new series, (JAG 2014), with Harm as JAG of course. I'd have Mac as an assistant DA not in the military. They would be divorced and never remarried. They would both feel a little tired with their careers Their two children would be a bit of a problem. One would have some kind of learning or mild physical disability and the other would be a trouble maker at school. The personal lives would intersect with the JAG stories (court cases as usual.) They would still love each other, but that tension would be dealt with intelligently. They'd try dating other people occasionally, but they would always put their kids first and deal with the problems as a family. They would definitely be co-parents, and though not perfect, they would never resort to playing off one parent against the other.
They would have adult problems that comes with any relationship, and parenting. Harm might have a health scare, that becomes an underlying theme.
The series would work towards them remarrying, after having solved whatever problems caused them to separate in the first place.
Bud, Harriet, Tiner, and AJ would be frequent guest stars. If Webb were to reappear, there would be NO, I repeat NO romance with Mac. In fact, Webb would be married to a woman just like dear old Mom.
Oh and I've have the children with lovely classic names with 2 or 3 syllabels so the names would sound good when paired with Rabb. Something like Sebastian, Chloe, David, Michael, Alison, Olivier, etc. No Sarahs, Davids, or Harmon Rabb Jr. They are too cliche (check out the famfics where sthey appear with alarming regularity.)Also, no twins, triplets, or other multiples.
I think there are enough people out there who liked the military justice theme, and there are plenty of conflicts in the world to provide the stories.
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I really like Harm and Mac's relationship in your version! (inside) -- Alicia, 12:46:07 07/30/14 Wed
When I think of my version, I was going for mass appeal, and the happy ending that wasn't truly gotten in the original..
Personally, I love the divorced part you discuss, and that is the way I would see their relationship at this point in time. Neither remarried, but close, moving back toward each other...
It could make for some wonderful stories...
Now you have me rethinking again...
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I was a huge shipper during the series run, and hated the last episode and the way they dealt with the ending. So I understand the desire to right the wrong, so to speak. (Inside) -- Cece, 14:50:19 07/30/14 Wed
But I think it's too late to do that. I just know that I've never seen a reunion special that satisfied me. They have always been tv movie quality, complete with the scmaltzy music and easy-to-see-through plot themes, major catastrophes (like fires in the barn), and/or prevailing social themes with easy answers. And they always end with fake humour, cutesy kid and dog mishaps, or lovey-dovey romance. Nothing gritty, nothing clever, nuanced, or dramatically intriguing.
I don't think even a series would survive a mid-season cancellation, unless it was massively reworked. And that would probably mean new characters, (despite my possible scenario.) Sometimes, you just can't unbury the dead.
That is where fanfic comes in. Because there are still so many fans who want to read about the characters, and so many really good writers who enjoy getting the instant feed back, not to mention it costs nothing, JAG, Harm and Mac can live on in perpetuity, long after the actual actors have reached retirement.
Yet still, I would watch a reunion show out of curiosity more than anything else.
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I'm really sad to say, I'm with Cece. -- Jan, 21:47:56 07/26/14 Sat
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I do agree with the message that a re-union COULD work in the right writer's hands! Being that the main characters are still around and looking so good, albeit, a bit older -- it could work to see an opening sequence with an older Harm and Mac in bed together smilig, reminiscing, and thankful for all that they've become together...inside -- mj, 12:13:50 07/27/14 Sun
happily married, still actively involved in the running of JAG(Mac as JAG) and the Navy for Harm (he is the Secretary of the Navy!) and having 2-3, maybe 4 children (I like the idea of foster or adopted -- oh, of course, that includes Mattie), a couple of whom are military -- at least 1 Marine, 1 Navy, and maybe the others, too -- but might be fun if they are doing other stuff, like political journalists or doctors (although it would be cool to be a military MD, especially with all going on in the world today). Anyhow, they STILL have a never-ending list of escapades and stories with Webb a Senator now, and all kinds of topical issues coming up where Mac and Harm save the day. It can happen! Woo-hoo!
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Webb a Senator! What a thought! LOL -- JJ Ronda, 20:26:01 07/27/14 Sun
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We had a Senator Webb in Virginia, but he was NOT very good (didn't spend a lot of time Senate-ing). He didn't run again. He wrote at least one spy thriller novel, but his career was: Naval Academy, Marine, Vietnam, and SecNav (under Reagan). Inside for info. -- The Chief, 00:28:20 08/08/14 Fri
Here's the Wiki link....
If he'd have been a Republican, I think he would have been a MUCH better senator, but he pretty much clocked out of his senatorial duties about halfway in.
Kinda almost looks like Clay....
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