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Subject: =Chronos..=

Aquarius und Incendium
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Date Posted: 17:22:40 01/05/02 Sat
In reply to: Kay & Cobalt 's message, "huh?" on 16:42:18 01/05/02 Sat

=Unlike how she planned, mascu goes forward several paces in singular bound, still far avay from mounted human. Sharp yip given too femme as hackles are risen fully, ivory canines shine as a deep rumbling in chest is heard from he. Stones hit him, but not affecting as his pelt is think. Die rope sails o'er him, for he went towards her. Standing his ground, reflexes always moving as twins are flattened to poll, moving sideways constintly, aiming impossible as he awaits for femmes retreat...=

=Femme hears sharp yip and mass is propeled out of hole, two o' four fowls captured and killed being brought out as well, held in crimson stained maw Giving one glance to die male und mounted human before die femora is racing avay from duo as planned. Plume held high in sucess...=

=Male shoots off vith femme, heading in a slightly different direction so human vould have to chose if she would follow, knowing where to meet his disappears into the safty o' die dark forest..=

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*a sharp whistle*Kay & Co.21:05:15 01/05/02 Sat

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