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Subject: Re: FTJ | |
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Date Posted: 17:08:38 03/05/06 Sun In reply to: Mike Norrod 's message, "Re: FTJ" on 11:34:33 03/05/06 Sun >>Like I said Mike. It is not a matter of who is right >>or wrong. I think its more of what people want to >>believe. > >Believe it or not John there is a right and wrong to >all of this. >Don't make this all out to be, what ever anyone >comprehension may be! > > >>Your insults indicate to me that my >>conversations with you will never get anywhere unless >>I buy a NORROD DOG. That will never happen. > >Man are you right about that. >I know you will never get it from me!!!!! > >>Nice dogs, >>but not what I am looking for in a bulldog. > >Then you better shoot everything in your yard and >start again! >So you are looking, I'LL SHOW YOU A BULLDOG ANYTIME >YOU HAVE THE HEART TO LOOK THIS WAY! > >>Colby's Topsy was bred to Masterson's Jack, producing >>Lightner's Vick. What happened many years after that >>would be very obvious to any observer, the lines >>shifted through out crosses, creating a breeding away >>from cleaner Red Nose Family based on the imports, not >>just dogs from Ireland. > >No one said Lightner didn't carry a line black nose >dogs. >Out crosses that created a much cleaner breeding then >OFRN? >You are doing a lot of trash talking kid. >Talk the talk, walk the walk. > >Lets make something very clear and lets quit >humbugging around the issues. >Your BS, I'm tried of your insults towards me and >quality of my dogs. >My dogs have prove themselves in every aspect >available today and in the pass for the APBT, has >yours? > >Why don't we take this to private to email and see >what you say is true! You've talked your smack to me >for years now. I think by now some of those >yardshitters you've been breeding and peddling should >be of age. > >>The dogs bred here in the states are the Red Nose Dogs >>I am referring to. They do not exist in the same form >>or genetic structure simple because they were not >>preserved over a period of time to keep the line ripe. > >Line ripe? I got news for you, dogs are not like >humans you racist ass! Quit thinking in those terms! >You and your dogs are not the chosen ones!!!! > >Red Nose Dogs, the only dogs brought into the USA was >from Ireland which were the only breed of Red Nose >Dogs and the Breed was called Old Family Reds! > >>Those "OFRN" do not exist today, no matter what color >>you make them. They have been thoroughly bred >>away.... > >Man you are dumber then a pile of rocks! >I guess everyone like Bob Hemphill, Bob Wallace, >Richard Stratton, Dan McCoy and many others including >myself is wrong??? Man you are full yourself and need >to learn a lot more about gamedogs then your abstract >BS world of make believe! > >>I have not seen a single pedigree with Bob >>Hemphill's signature on it nor Bob Wallace. How anyone >>could call their dog Hemphill So So is beyond me and a >>form of mockery. >> >>FTJ >>REALDOGS > > >Once again you show your ignorance. People claim their >dogs are from the Hemphill "BLOODLINE", not Hemphill >bred. >BTW I saw Hemphill and Wallace pedigree with their >signature. > >>PS: I do not have anything to sale through the >>internet or e bay. > >That's nice. >You mean at this time... because you have posted >before pups for sale on the Internet! > >BTW who sells through eBay anyway? >I guess I haven't seen that form of selling yet >but I can see you must have thought of it to look >there... > >LET ME FINALLY MAKE THIS CLEAR TO YOU. >I DO HAVE DOGS FROM THE OLD FAMILY RED NOSE STRAIN. > >IT IS KNOWN FACT THROUGH OUT HISTORY WHAT MADE THE >OFRN FAMOUS WAS THEIR GAMENESS AND THEIR FIGHTING >ABILITY. >BUT MOST OF ALL, THEIR ABILITY TO PRODUCE SUCH.... > >BACK YEARS AGO, BEFORE 1970, PEOPLE DIDN'T "PET OWN" >APBT. >IF THIS STRAIN DIDN'T HAVE THESE QUALITIES THEN IT >WOULD BE USLESS AND EXTINCT TODAY. IT IS NOT..... > >NOW YOU KNOW MY OPINION AND POSISTION ON THIS MATTER. > >WHAT SEPERATES THIS BREED FROM ALL THE REST IS THE >ABILITY TO PROVE THEMSELVES FOR WHAT THEY ARE AND >BLOOD ALWAYS TELLS. > >NOW IT IS TIME TO SEE WHAT YOUR BLOOD HAS TO SAY! > >Do you know why gambler's bet against a growling dog >or a dog that makes noise? >Because the dog is a cur that is trying to BS the >other dog into quiting. > >This is also true with dogmen. >You can tell the cur BSer's because all they can do is >just cur snap and try to BS everyone by just making >noise..... Maybe Mike. But I don't think so. You are more upset with my disagreeing with you than anything else. I do agree with history, but not the way you tell it. 1987 SDJ is one fine example of how quickily you will jump track to maintain your position and viewpoint on the dogs and how you want people to accept what you say. I call that self proclamation to fame and glory. Your accomplishments are worthy of acknowledgement. ROSS RED DEVIL was a 8XW and one to breed after. Your line based on that is totally different than the RED NOSE dogs we are talking about. I have not been on your case. You have always discredited people and dogs [OFBA] that you don't care for or view as competition. That's your style. People who knew of you in the early 70's never smiled when your name was mentioned. I wonder why? I will follow your advice and e mail you to further any conversation that you feel we need to have. I am willing to exchange phone numbers if that will help. I am not trying to judge your character as a person but if you want to play the dozens, what is one to do? In saying that I want it to be known to you that I have no intentions of changing my ideas and theories just because of how much you huff and puff. I am willing to disagree without being an asshole about it. When my dogs come up for conversation and you call them what you may as you have been doing I will understand where you are coming from along with other folks who may be interested. When I'm asked about your line, I will gladly give my opinion with no disrespect to your WINS. So whats the big deal? If I say I have a good batch of dogs thats my biz. It will not make your hounds any less. If you are so case sensitive about what people say about your dogs and how they are bred maybe there is some truth in it. However, you have far to many years of breeding and number of dogs for me to take time and investigate, I don't have the time. I have MY RED NOSE FAMILY that I am working with. It is very different from what you are breeding, for whatever reason you conclude with. I'm not selling them, I haven't sent out cur dogs to no one. I am not self exaulted trying to be something I am not. I have a mustard seed of a yard but all honestly bred and quality found. Mike your purpose with me is to cut me down and discredit my dogs and OFBA. Why? Jealous? Shame? Perplexed? Pissed? I haven't done anything to you except return insult for insult. Your peanut gallery have threathen my life and family. Whats the chew? Is that doggin? When I say you sell a lot of dogs, is that a lie? When I say that you admit ROSS RED DEVIL has a partial pedigree and possibly no one knows how he is bred, is that a lie? Especially when I quote an widely distributed journal? I won't respond to your post on this board. If you are willing to converse with me through phone or e mail thats fine. But on this forum ain't goin happen with me anymore. So be it! Mr. Hunt [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: FTJ | Mike Norrod ( | 10:04:03 03/06/06 Mon |