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Subject: Re: FTJ

Mike Norrod
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Date Posted: 10:04:03 03/06/06 Mon
In reply to: FTJ 's message, "Re: FTJ" on 17:08:38 03/05/06 Sun

>Maybe Mike. But I don't think so. You are more upset
>with my disagreeing with you than anything else. I do
>agree with history, but not the way you tell it.

The way I tell it is the same way all the old timers tell it. You just want to change it to suit your needs.

>SDJ is one fine example of how quickly you will jump
>track to maintain your position and viewpoint on the
>dogs and how you want people to accept what you say. I
>call that self proclamation to fame and glory.

I see I must go through this with you again. I will repeat this the third time for you, once in pass post, once today in email and now again in this post.

Bert Sorrells was pissed off at my add in SDJ.
Him and I were the two longest advertisers in SDJ.
He had the back cover and I had the inside back cover. What he was upset about was my statement "Purest of the Corvino bloodline." Same as his add said.
In other issues long before this and Bert was telling other people at the time, Red Devil wasn't even pure bred out of jealousy and being pissed off because of having to explain the difference in the two bloodlines.
You must remember the first 10 years, if you look at the book of covers of SDJ, they were mostly Red Devil dogs on the cover.

So Just to piss him off more I wrote I didn't care how he was bred he was producing winners! LMMFAO!

I want you John to understand this very carefully,


BTW didn't you also know I owned a younger brother to Red Devil? His name was Chopper and I also owned a litter mate to Maximillian, his name was Mokena.

So you can stop your lame ass attempt to discredit my dogs because the truth is now known that Red Satan is off Spike and Maud!


>accomplishments are worthy of acknowledgement. ROSS
>RED DEVIL was a 8XW and one to breed after. Your line
>based on that is totally different than the RED NOSE
>dogs we are talking about.

No, they are not. We are only talking about OFRN strain and nothing else. You have always tried to dismiss Bruce's Jerry's dogs as not being from the OFRN strain. Twice I have showed you they were, Stratton's book with his reference to the OFRN in Dibo (and his reference to our dogs) and with Mullins' review!

>I have not been on your case. You have always
>discredited people and dogs [OFBA] that you don't care
>for or view as competition. That's your style.

Maybe because they run their mouth like you do but would never show one to me!
You can bet your ass I competitive.
Damn kid, I thought that was what these dogs were all about!
Not just standing around BSing about them but knowing the truth and there was only one way to know that!

>who knew of you in the early 70's never smiled when
>your name was mentioned. I wonder why?

LOL LOL Most won't when they lose their money or who has been called out publicly and didn't want any after they ran their soap coolers. BTW you can't be talking about OFBA because they weren't in the dogs back in the early 70's!

But why is it I get so much email about you and have to read the derogatory things people write about you and how full of it you are.

>I will follow your advice and e mail you to further
>any conversation that you feel we need to have. I am
>willing to exchange phone numbers if that will help.

You should have done that first. Not posted your reply.
The only numbers I want from you isn't phone numbers.....

>I am not trying to judge your character as a person but
>if you want to play the dozens, what is one to do?

ahhhhh I think it is called...........STEP UP!

>In saying that I want it to be known to you that I
>have no intentions of changing my ideas and theories
>just because of how much you huff and puff. I am
>willing to disagree without being an asshole about it.

You said it there: "my ideas and theories". Mine are not.
Mine comes from the people who lived it. Not my own perception to suit my own needs.

>When my dogs come up for conversation and you call
>them what you may as you have been doing I will
>understand where you are coming from along with other
>folks who may be interested.

Lets see now, I said they were unproven. Is this incorrect?
NO! They are not proven dogs. They are not from a proven bloodline.

Lets see now, I said they were misrepresented. Is this wrong also?
NO! Because Red Satan isn't bred the way the papers say.

What don't you get about this? I was standing there after Tom took the pup and sent it to OK to Tom Warren! Hell I even prove it with his UKC papers being from a duplicate set.

>When I'm asked about your
>line, I will gladly give my opinion with no disrespect
>to your WINS. So whats the big deal? If I say I have a
>good batch of dogs that's my biz. It will not make your
>hounds any less.

I'm sure you will because you always have. You went on Pedigree-Online and run your mouth about my dogs. Knowing I didn't have access to the service. I personally think this was very cowardly when you knew you could have posted it openly on the Sporting Red Dogs Billboard.

So you think you have a good batch of mutts? I don't!
There I said it publicly.
Now you know where it goes from here don't you??
BTW my number is on my website.

>If you are so case sensitive about
>what people say about your dogs and how they are bred
>maybe there is some truth in it.

Nice try spinmaster but your BS doesn't work here.
You have been the one upset about what was said about your dogs. AND it is the truth...
There has never been doubt about mine. LOL
That's what really grinds your ass and why you try to switch the light off from you onto me.

Remember, "Blood always tells!"
What is yours saying...........curs?

>However, you have far
>to many years of breeding and number of dogs for me to
>take time and investigate, I don't have the time.

To hell with the pass, don't waste your time.
Check it out now for yourself first hand I always say!

John, you've painted yourself into a corner and now you don't know how to get out of it and save face.
I hope in the future you remember this when you start your BS there are people around to call you out on what you are saying....

>I have MY RED NOSE FAMILY that I am working with. It
>is very different from what you are breeding, for
>whatever reason you conclude with. I'm not selling
>them, I haven't sent out cur dogs to no one.

Hold up, you might have not sent any out to no one because no one bought one. BUTTTTTTTT you did post pups for sale for $2,000 on the Internet, WE ALL SAW IT JOHN!

Lets make something clear for a minute.
I use our dogs two ways now.

Crosses from champions, Ch. Dutchess, Ch. Gambler, Ch. Red Dog and Ch. Hagler. All have our bloodline in them, half or more.

What we call our straight blood, because we have been breeding it for over 35 years, is about 5/8 Maximillian and the rest is half and half Suzie Que and Mitzie.
Maximillian is inbred, daughter to father, off Red Devil.
In fact, Fanny Maximillian's grand mother on his mother side is more Corvino in her then Red Devil.

Now the other 3/8 to 1/2 is from Suzie Que and Mitzie.

Suzie is from the Williams bloodline of which Bill De Cordova and Jim Williams bred. Bill's dogs trace back to Williams dogs, so it is the same bloodline, Williams.

It is common knowledge Williams dogs were from the OFRN strain.
Or are you trying to dispute this as well John?
Don't, you made enough of a fool of yourself...

Mitzie father was Hemphill's Geronimo.
John, do you dispute Geronimo as OFRN?
Mitzie mother was from the Clouse bloodline.
The Clouse was based off Ch. Butcher Boy.
If you never saw a picture of him, he was a light red/red nose from Clyde Mason blood which Clyde got from his "father-in-law" Menfee. These dogs of Menfee were from the old Trice blood.

Now I know his is a little before your time John BUT Trice dogs also trace back into OFRN stock.

The Clouse in Mitzie also was from Skagg's blood from Hemphill dogs.

What the difference you can't deal with is this John,
we didn't want our dogs only from one bloodline.
We are American and we also know in dogs is the same in humans. Hybrid battle crosses make the best warriors and they will rule the world!

In dogs it is the same way. You paper breed for purity and you will get inferior performance dogs.
This is racist way of thinking.
Hitler tried it in people and look where it got him!
Didn't history teach you anything? In people or dogs?

We wanted winners like all the old time dogmen before us wanted, which help create the breed we have today!

This is why I've preached so much over the years to quit thinking only Hemphill/Wilder, Wallace or even McCoy had OFRN. Hell Wallace quit breeding OFRN of his old bloodline.
The last breeding did was from Corvino stock when he bred a female at Floyd's to Turhan Rascal.

When people quit paper breeding for purity and start breeding for purpose then they will be much more successful.

I will say, when you have the best culled dogs from a pure bloodline of a breeder and cross it to another pure bloodline, you will get the better hybrid performance dogs.
Family (Inbreeding) does restore gameness in a line but not performance quality.

>Mike your purpose with me is to cut me down and
>discredit my dogs and OFBA. Why? Jealous? Shame?
>Perplexed? Pissed? I haven't done anything to you
>except return insult for insult.

Save it John. I don't go around with you on my mind.
You think to much of yourself and you dogs.
You couldn't leave it alone, could you?
You had to talk your trash On Peds-online.
You say I jam on you? You are truly the spinmaster.
Look how you have dogged everyone who has got dogs from me, from Bad Frank to Danger.

I think everyone knows what I'm trying to do.
Maybe someday you will feel froggy and jump.
Just don't wait until I'm 96 years old and dieing like Jake........

>Your peanut gallery
>have threaten my life and family. Whats the chew? Is
>that doggin? When I say you sell a lot of dogs, is
>that a lie?

I have no idea or information about this.
You must have said or done something to them.
You can be sure of one thing, if it had been me, I wouldn't have said a word, it already would have been done.....

Sell a lot of dogs? Yes it is a lie. I don't sell dogs. I only sell pups. Not very many. Not least not any more then you.
How about the time you were selling pups for $2,000 just because they were all white. ROTFL!

>When I say that you admit ROSS RED DEVIL
>has a partial pedigree and possibly no one knows how
>he is bred, is that a lie? Especially when I quote an
>widely distributed journal?

You are correct. It is a LIE! Hell Bob Wise still might be alive in Muncie IN. Call him or his daughter Sue Runyon in Decatur IL. ask them. Call Palmer Combs or Floyd Boudreaux who both inherited Frank Creed's yard when he died. They will tell you, he is bred as his papers say.

Keep trying John Boy, you might someday be able to get someone to believe your BS. But not today and it is you who wants to switch the light off your BS, to do so, you just need to shut your mouth about other people's dogs and history of dogs which have no concept about!

>I won't respond to your post on this board.
>realdogs@aol.com. If you are willing to converse with
>me through phone or e mail that's fine. But on this
>forum ain't going happen with me anymore. So be it!
>Mr. Hunt

We are way pass casual BSing.
We have been for a long time.
You know all I have to say to you because I have already said it by email.
Ball has been in your court for years and I can't seem to ever get you to play....


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Mike said!criminalpoet
18:32:48 03/06/06 Mon

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