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Date Posted: 07:06:49 08/25/06 Fri
Author: Skye/MM
Subject: inside
In reply to: Skye/Mystery Man 's message, "
Don't get mad
Don't be mean
on 06:18:02 08/20/06 Sun

He narrowed his eyes at the scene in front of him, smirking a touch as he reveled in the fact that Niko was off his game. He wasn't the man he had once come across, he was softer now, he had lost his edge. That would definitely help out the man's cause a touch. Reaching up, he raked a hand through his hair before he turned, heading out of the park. He wanted to go take a look inside the house while they were out of it, become more familiar with the woman and the little girl. Those two and the little toddler were the ones to get, to hurt...that would cut Marita deeper than any knife would. The bastard had taken the love of his life and now, he would slowly take away each and every person he cared about until Niko was all alone - just the way he had been after Marita came into the picture. She laughed softly, shaking her head and then looking down as Sam came over and rested her head on her mommy's tummy, listening to the baby 'talk to her' as she said it so often did. "Baby said it wants icecream, Niko." She informed him matter of factly, her little head cocked to the side, her eyes bright and her lips pursed in that little expectant way that she definitely got from Skye. She looked like a little model of her mother, curly blonde hair, bright blue eyes and those full lips that could form a perfect pout that would bring any man to his knees.

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