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Subject: Re: Are people missing the point of STDOW?

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Date Posted: 10/11/02 8:08pm
In reply to: Maigrey 's message, "Are people missing the point of STDOW?" on 10/11/02 9:02am

>Gods it's infuriating reading over at SS. Not one
>positive review and why? Because they don't realize
>all the optimists have LEFT THE BUILDING!
No kidding! Themis tried to recruit some positive thinkers from a Sorbo list and we all refused to go. What's the point? If you actually LIKE the show or, heaven forbid!, actually LIKE Kevin Sorbo, you are seen as some sort of brain dead pond scum and are treated as such.
I go over once a week or so and see if someone from the show posted a thread and read their posts. Period. I do hope the folks on the show know that the Slipstream BBS is NOT the be all and end all of Drom fandom.

>Anyway, one sore point with me: People are asking WHY
>the CW didn't back them into going in to Marduk! IF
>they'd paid attention, they'd know that Marduk was
>brought into the CW by Arman Proz, it's a MEMBER world
>and one does NOT go into a member world and attack
>unless it's a covert operation such as this was [as
>Renoir took over power and turned the planet basically
>into the Dictatorship it is 'today']
Ah, but to get this, they would have had to PAY ATTENTION when the ministers of war were talking and the Slippers were too busy complaining about the good looking blondes to actually listen to the dialogue! (I LOVED Harper's reaction to the Ministers. Heheheh. But then, I have a sense of humor and the Slip requires anyone with one of these to leave immediately if not sooner.)

>Another thing, they've decided Dylan is acting live a
>Slave Boss. Huh?! He's a Captain, he's there to give
>orders and expects his people to follow him. Yes, they
>question him, he's come to expect that from the Maru
>crew. And when exactly did he order Tyr around anymore
>than he has since day one? I seem to recall "Walk with
>me" in DMZ being a lot more imperious than "You don't
>have to go on this Mission - I need you" from STDOW
>[paraphrase as It's been two weeks since I saw the

They hate Dylan. They hate Kevin Sorbo. If he behaved exactly the way they wanted in an episode, they'd still find something to complain about because that is what they do! I had no problem with the man giving orders AND he did NOT order Tyr to accompany them, even though he knew it was in Tyr's best interests to get a grip on Tyr's problems. (Which I see as not just the result of the tunnel BUT the result of his son, which means he has something to live for.)

>We see that Tyr is struggling, and I really liked
>that. Even if Beka and Dylan do 'push' him. It's
>obvious he may have been trained to fly a slipfighter
>- but hasn't since the show began, or if he has
>[behind the scenes] it wasn't into battle, hence
>needing the guidance and testing of his capabilities.
>Tyr can fly, he can flight, but he was also distract
>and needed to be forced to focus...
>And he got to shoot up bad guys in the end to his fave
>music ;)
>I really liked this episode. I see a lot of the crew
>shining in this - especially Tyr, Beka and Trance. I
>think the others are over thinking in some aspects and
>reading things that aren't there, and missing the
>obvious. *sigh*
Another point I bet they missed was that the enemy REALLY WAS MAKING NOVA BOMBS. This wasn't "we think maybe the enemy is doing something rotten" it was WE KNEW THE ENEMY was up to no good. Plus, we saw, very clearly, that destroying the factory did nothing for the people. I.E. military action ISN'T going to solve everything.

I thought the slipfighter stuff went on too long but my husband--one of those creatures with a Y chromosome--loved it.

I liked the messages--yeah, Trance is definitely some sort of embodiment of a star--and the music and the humor and the sorrow and those leather slipfighter uniforms. Woof!

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Re: Are people missing the point of STDOW?Maigrey10/11/02 9:03pm

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