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Date Posted: 09:58:28 02/06/25 Thu
Author: No news clips inside
Subject: There are 50 states. If 1 state does it doesn’t mean much and not all bills become laws. Doesn’t work that way
In reply to: not to mention book banning!! 's message, "Nope, sorry! news clips inside..." on 09:20:21 02/06/25 Thu

That is true even if you don’t like it. Many freed slaves did learn skills such as farming that they used once they were freed. Also, many refused to grow tobacco since that was often what they grew as slaves. History is not always pleasant but as long as it is true, that is what matters. Hopefully we all learn and benefit from it.

Most schools do not ban books. That often is the school boards choice and students can always buy them or take them out of the public library for free. Just because they choose to not have a specific book doesn’t mean it is banned. A school can not hold every book.

Most teachers pick and choose how they want to teach what is required. We have an Islamic achievement standard for social studies. My daughter’s teacher completed this standard by having them watch Aladdin. None of the parents wanted any part of Islam taught to their child, even if it was historically accurate. Also, parents can always refuse anything they do not want their child to be a part of.

I would be more concerned with Holocaust deniers than if slaves had some small benefit if useful skills. Anyone can also send their child to a private school or homeschool them. There are many educational opportunities and we are free to pick what is best for our children.

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