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Date Posted: 13:35:35 03/22/05 Tue
Author: Chris
Subject: UBFers' personality types

Thinking about why and which people stay in UBF, anohter ex UBFers and I came to the conclusion that there is not only one type of “typical” UBF member, but there are several aspects and types of UBF members. These patterns are, however, very “typical.” Similar to Hippocrates’ classical personality types, you can make up the following classification of typical UBF personalities. Of course, not everybody in UBF fits into exactly one of these categories. There are huge overlaps. Actually, the following types have to be thought of “personality dimensions” in a 2dimensional space, like Eynckens suggested for the Hippocrates types. One person can have more of the following characteristics, but usually one or two are dominant:

What do you think about this attempt of an classification? Is it applicable? Please keep in mind that the personality of UBF members is often mixed from 2 or 3 of these types with various percentage.
Please also note two other aspects:
* The personality types are not static. UBF tends to shift them. A person that may have started with honest motives in Category 1 may develop pride or power hunger and end up in Category 3 or 4.
* The personality types are not independet. People from two oppositional categories (like people who like to be dominated and power mongers) can increase the aberrant behavior of the other category. Like electrons and protons, they circle around each other, forming a stable atom.

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