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Date Posted: 11:17:32 01/27/05 Thu
Author: Nick T.
Subject: not beautiful, not love, not Jesus
In reply to: Definition of Love 's message, "How beautiful" on 01:46:35 01/27/05 Thu

Dear definition,

Thanks for visiting this forum. Your posting is a mish-mash of praiseologies of what the ubf wants people to think. You did not arrive at your conclusions by yourself, you were taught this at ubf meetings, thru the repetitive hammerings of the ubf messages. ubf is not at all what their self image says. I know, I was active in the ubf for about ten years. If I had been able to research ubf at a site like this, I never would have even gone there one time. Instead, I listened to the kinds of praiseologies and slanted words that you are now using. I can now say that joining and staying in the ubf is the worst decision I ever made in my life. I don't think I will ever be able to make a worse decision than joining the ubf.

I would like to ask that you never use those kind of false words here or anywhere else again. Please stop perpetuating the lies of ubf. ubf has always been a pack of lies pretending to be a missionary movement. ubf is actually a Korean based cult group that holds its Confucius ideas as greater than the gospel of the grace of God.

The gospel of the grace of God does not require anyone to join ubf. The gospel of the grace of God only requires that we acknowledge the uconditional grace of forgiveness of all our sins thru Jesus' death. We acknowledge this one time, but it lasts us for all time. The moment we acknowledge the grace of forgiveness thru Jesus' death, at that very moment we become a new creation in Christ and are sealed in Christ forever by the Holy Spirit.

ubf is a false teaching organization because they deny this assurance of salvation in various ways. The ubf Sunday message reader Ron Ward told his sheep that nobody can be certain of their salvation. That is the same as saying that Jesus' death was not enough to forgive all the sins of the world. You can go on saying how dedicated these ubfpeople are, but they are dedicated to the wrong teachings and also to incredibly hardened, unrepentant sinners who call themselves spiritual giants.

I hope you may acknowledge Jesus only, that He died for our sins, his one time death covers all the sins for all time, even for the sins we didn't commit yet (we do not lose our salvation by sinning again, nobody stops sinning). You may not like this, but the Jesus of ubf is not the Jesus of the Bible. I said it, it is true, please find out the truth for yourself. It makes all the difference.

And a final note, Jesus did not say that those doing his work are imperfect and bound to make mistakes so it's all good with Him. Jesus said things that are totally the opposite of what you said about those who are doing wrong and abusing and stealing and false teaching in the pretense of doing 'God's work'. Please think about that also. I pray for you and others, not all ubfins, but that many may leave the ubf and join healthy, genuine churches or attend genuine Bible colleges.

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