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Date Posted: 17:07:14 08/06/04 Fri
Author: Jim St. L.
Subject: Re: MSU conference
In reply to: PSUDAB 's message, "Re: MSU conference" on 21:13:01 08/05/04 Thu

It is amazing to me how JLemmon blatantly lies to you about an incident that happened more than 16 years ago. I don't believe JLemmon was even in UBF at that time. So if you get a chance tell him to stop bearing false witness against me. That incident was one when I was barely 23 years old and Ban Toh consistently antagonized me. You should also ask Ban Toh why he consistently brings up this incident that happened in 1988. You should also ask him why it happened. It did not happen because he "challenged" me unless you mean to a fight. You should also know that when I was fighting him it was not an one-on-one confrontation. Rhoel Lomahan was also fighting me at the same time. The next time JLemmon includes me in conversation you should tell him to call me first to get my side of the story. (Tell him to stop bearing false testimony against me.)You should also Ban Toh why he has tried to cause so many divorces in Chicago including my family and the Young family by spreading blatant lies about us. Ban Toh is a pathetic person if he still holds grudges over fights he started and couldn't finish nearly two decades ago. Don't honor him as a "hero of faith" because he has deceived many people and he is accountable before God for all the UBF sins he has tried to conceal, even though the UBFin's will never hold him accountable. You should also ask him about the other fights he has caused and been a participant in with Jon Berryman, Damon Londrigan, Dan Pierce and several others. The Jon Berryman incident was written about in the UIC student newspaper and he was arrested for that incident. Ban Toh and his assistant were charged with battery and assault for trying to beat up Mr. Berryman. (Does that sound familiar?) The only reason Ban Toh got his glasses smashed was because me a "***-damn son of a b****!!" I hope you ask Ban Toh and JLemmon to tell the real truth next time. I also pray for you that to leave such a deceptive and cultic group. They do not have your best interests and/or God's intentions in mind.

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