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Date Posted: 16:54:12 10/11/04 Mon
Author: John
Subject: Development of UBF Lite

I wrote to what I believe to be Chris's website, but then subsequently found the forum. I apologize to Chris for the duplication.

I am part of what used to be the International Churches of Christ. I've seen some comments on ex-UBF sites that talk about similarities between the two organizations, and I believe the comparisons are quite accurate.

My interest is in the history and development of CMI as a sort of UBF Lite. My understanding is that leaders of what is now known as CMI wanted to address past abuses, but maintain the work already done by the UBF. From what I have been able to read, it seems like that it is pretty much a kinder,gentler version of the same bad doctrine and practice.

From my own experience, the ICoC seems to be following the same course. As one of their leading teachers wrote in his resignation letter, his church was still focused or a leader-centric ministry approach. In other comments, he has spoken of an ICC Lite that still practices the ICC form of 'discipling' and structure, but promises to be nice to each other.

Regarding CMI, is this what is happening there? Is it just like UBF, but everyone plays nice to each other? To give some small credit to ICC Leaders, there seems to be a real effort to do everything possible to acknowledge past errors (granted, these efforts fall short of getting outside help) and hear the other side of issues. I don't think it gets to the heart of the mattter at all, but I wanted to be somewhat fair.

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