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Date Posted: Sun, Feb 12 2006, 11:04pm PST
Author: Kate
Subject: She bit her lip at the part about Nick crying, Nicky didn't cry, he already been his mama's strong little boy, taking care of her whenever she was upset. It had to have been a bad fight. "Quin, baby..." She murmured softly, moving to wrap her arms around his neck, squeezing tightly as her own tears streaked over her cheeks. "You didn't force him to drink that alcohol, you couldn't have known he had it in the car, this is not your fault." She stated softly, soothingly, she had meant what she said, it was no one's fault but Nicks, he knew better then to drink like that and then drive afterwards. "I know he won't blame you for it and you shouldn't be blaming yourself love.." She was talking like her baby was going to make it because she knew he would, he was so strong. "He's so strong, he'll make it through this, he has to make it through this..." Quin and Karlie didn't know how serious it was, how Nick was laying between life and death right now.
In reply to: Kate 's message, "
We're making up
on Sun, Feb 12 2006, 10:35pm PST

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  • (He felt like he didn't deserve her coddling when he had been such a loser.. he deserved to walk out of their lives and never look back, to suffer through this on his own the way Kate had suffered through his meager ability to be there for her.) I'm so sorry Katie.. God I'm sorry.. (Now he was crying.. and he had never cried in front of her before.) I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and for Nick.. God, I thought I was helping him not be like me and I made him hate me.. and now he's... (He trailed off, trying desperately to gather himself, men like him just didn't cry in public.. but he was so broken down about this.) He has to make it through.. (He had to set things right with his boy.. that was all their was to it.. so Nick had better make it, he wouldn't let his boy go.) (NT) -- Quin, Sun, Feb 12 2006, 11:08pm PST

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