Date Posted:Sun, Feb 12 2006, 11:08pm PST Author: Quin Subject: (He felt like he didn't deserve her coddling when he had been such a loser.. he deserved to walk out of their lives and never look back, to suffer through this on his own the way Kate had suffered through his meager ability to be there for her.) I'm so sorry Katie.. God I'm sorry.. (Now he was crying.. and he had never cried in front of her before.) I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and for Nick.. God, I thought I was helping him not be like me and I made him hate me.. and now he's... (He trailed off, trying desperately to gather himself, men like him just didn't cry in public.. but he was so broken down about this.) He has to make it through.. (He had to set things right with his boy.. that was all their was to it.. so Nick had better make it, he wouldn't let his boy go.) In reply to:
's message, "