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Date Posted: Mon, May 22 2006, 7:51am PDT
Author: Charlie
Subject: "No, no baby be strong.. " He spoke reassuringly, brushing hair back from her face and locking his eyes with her, his hand still holding hers and giving a little squeeze. "We can fight this together.." His heart shattered at the thought of her in pain, and also at the thought that his idea of their perfect family, with their child, could be shattered -- "I love you, you can do this." His free hand dropped down to her stomach, he could tell she was in pain, her muscles all knotted up and tensed, even if her body couldn't read all of the pain, it was very obviously still there. "I'm so sorry, I was working a case and I had a deadline.."
In reply to: Charlie 's message, "--" on Mon, May 22 2006, 7:24am PDT

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  • Her brow furrowed softly as she faught off the pain and the tears, bringing her gaze back up to him, whispering softly, looking filled with guilt and fear "I'm sorry... I didn;t want her... I wished and prayed for it to be different but I didn;t want this.... I don't want to lose her... " Her face was almost panic striken as she clutched still at his hand, tears falling softly down her cheeks. "I want our baby Charlie... I love her already... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry" (NT) -- Alysia, Mon, May 22 2006, 8:07am PDT

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