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Date Posted: Mon, May 22 2006, 8:07am PDT
Author: Alysia
Subject: Her brow furrowed softly as she faught off the pain and the tears, bringing her gaze back up to him, whispering softly, looking filled with guilt and fear "I'm sorry... I didn;t want her... I wished and prayed for it to be different but I didn;t want this.... I don't want to lose her... " Her face was almost panic striken as she clutched still at his hand, tears falling softly down her cheeks. "I want our baby Charlie... I love her already... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry"
In reply to: Charlie 's message, "--" on Mon, May 22 2006, 7:24am PDT

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  • "I know you do, baby.." He finally settled himself on the edge of her bed, he hadn't let go of her hand yet, and reached up again to brush hair out of her eyes. "Don't be sorry, babe, I know.." He lifted her hand to his lips and pressed them there -- she looked so tiny and helpless in the bed, nothing like the strong, stubborn woman that he had married. "Whatever happens, it doesn't change the way I love you, you know that? And I am more concerned about you right now, sweetheart. I need you more than I need any baby." He reached to pull the blankets up her chest a little. (NT) -- Charlie, Mon, May 22 2006, 8:24am PDT

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