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Subject: {Tis a Whim}

Silver Whim
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Date Posted: 20:27:54 03/10/03 Mon
Author Host/IP: adsl-33-237-182.jan.bellsouth.net/
In reply to: Bentila ((this one..)) 's message, " : True of Heart : Free of Spirit : ((this one))" on 18:17:24 03/09/03 Sun

{Fem’s head was lowered in greeting, as watched warily as the other approached. She knew his scent not, and it put her on guard. Head was lowered, but not to low as to give the other false ideas about her ranking. Her ears swiveled back to ensure none were behind her, eyes watched the male on his journey closer. She relaxed a little as he fell into the drift; laughter rang from her chest softly. Smile danced upon her lips, and she tossed her gaze carefully into his eyes. She wanted not to challenge him, for this was an easy way to do such, but she merely wanted to peer into his eyes and admire the twinkle that was held there. The young female’s eyes locked into his, and she absorbed some of the knowledge that resided in his stare. She would not question his history, for most that came to this land led such painful lives before retreating here. She had been taught by her mother to allow them to tell their story in their own time and to never rush to turn the page in this never ending book. Luckily for her, this page had a picture for her eyes to linger over the male. She listened to him intently as he spoke, studying and storing his looks as often a young child will do with pictures in their favorite bedtime story books. As the question rolled forth from his lips and silence had befallen them she spoke. Her tone was soft and caring, relaxing. ‘Welcome friend. You stand before Camelot, the land of Her Lady Kosses.’ She watched intently for him to glance up at the abandon castle that had been claimed by this pack, as most newcomers did. If he did such, he would glimpse a beautiful castle through the trees and snow covered land. The windows on the west side sparkled and gleamed as the sun’s last rays crept just beyond their ledges. ‘And I, dear sir, am Silver Whim. You may call me whatever your heart desires, but that is what I am termed- but do I get the honor of learning thy name?’

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Subject Author Date
: True of Heart : Free of Spirit : Bentila 22:02:53 03/10/03 Mon

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