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Subject: : True of Heart : Free of Spirit :

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Date Posted: 22:02:53 03/10/03 Mon
Author Host/IP: pppoe0853.ld.centurytel.net/
In reply to: Silver Whim 's message, "{Tis a Whim}" on 20:27:54 03/10/03 Mon


He too, caught her eyes, a bit startled as he did so, slightly abashed. It had been awhile since he had spoken to such a wolf, female that is, and his skills were none to honed. Suddenly shy, his gaze caught the ground, and a solitary paw dug at the snow, trying to think up something to say, but soon, she spoke, saving him from the duty.

Brown tinted ears swiveled, catching the sound of her melodeis(sp?) as she spoke, the words, easing his mind, that he had come to a good place.

True to her thought, as she spoke of the castle, his emerald gaze left the ground, and fell upon the majesty of the castle, turrets soaring into the skies, the falling twilight gently turning it to burnished silver, catching the edges and making them glow. The many windows, catching light for the last time that day, made the best of it, sending out reflections of it, their prowess at lighting the world above all.

Soon though, his gaze returned to her, and he gave a light hearted laugh, as she called him sir. His warm voice replied softly chuckling.

"Please, ma'm, don't call me sir, one, that's not my name, two, I am in no need of being high-class, and three, I'm not old enough to be considered a sir. Why, most of the wolves I met, they still call me a pup!"

He cocked his head to the side, as if thinking for a moment, before laughing and continuing.

"No, not that I liked that either, but call me as you will, though my proper name would be Bentila. You may nick-name me all you want, I will answer, but that is what most call me, Bentila."
((pronounced- Ben-teal-ya ^^))

His tail gently waved behind him, neither low, nor high, to show, he simply just did not care about rank. Yes, he would submit, but that was different, and he only submitted to those who could prove to him, that they were worthy of their position, whether by prowess, or dominance, or even their body language. But between two wolves, he just did not see a point. If they gave him a good reason, sure, he would, but at the moment, he felt like they were just two, feshly aquainted friends, and what is the reason of rank between two friends. If there was any, they probably weren't very good friends. Because friends, they didn't care. And he wished for no enemies here.

I am a wanderer
True of heart
Free of spirit

I reside where the wind takes me
Open plains, depthful seas
Rocky mountains, deep ravines

This glory has lasted too long
This happiness is ending
I have wandered too far

My soul needs a home
It has been lost too long

My body needs a rest
It has been beaten too far

My heart needs love
It's been alone too long

Too far
Too long
Too far
Too long

Pity me not
Take me in
Don't regret

Take a chance
Listen to your heart
Open your mind

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Subject Author Date
{Whim, a Silver Whim}Silver Whim12:51:33 03/11/03 Tue

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