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Subject: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 01:12: pm

Our 1:00 is in two hours. She texted me just a bit ago and asked if my oldest boy could go first because she wants to go home when she is done. And can she give it to him this time because she knows how. I don't think it was a delay tactic but she just needs to know I set the ground rules so I said no we need to get started on your enemas when you get here. But you can give him his enema next time if you don't want to stay today. I need to let him give me his bowel movement early this evening because he always does so he doesn't need the suppository. And I need you to go sit a couple of times between now and when you come if you haven't had a bowel movement since Wednesday. That is the one thing that you can work on to speed up your colon's recovery. If you can't go that's okay but you need to try for me. She hasn't texted back.

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[> Subject: Re: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 04:31: pm


Here's hoping sitter showed up and agreed to be first. If she was agreeable to you examining her enema returns, I'd like to know what you discovered to help you map the way forward.

- Joyce

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[> [> Subject: Re: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 06:37: pm

I just have few minutes but I just wanted to check in real quick because I know you all worry about her. She is on the toilet now with hopefully her last enema. She has been super cooperative but has has some anxiety issues. Kitten Paw I just want to tell you first thing right after I gave her her suppository I sat her down and read the whole post of yours about triggers and to talk her through them. I was so moved by how you explained it all that I just wanted to tell her about you and your age and this rough weekend you just had. I got about a third through reading it and we both had tears in our eyes and she was starting to nod yes to everything I was reading. By the time I got to the end we were bawling and so emotional. I gave her a big hug and we sat there just crying about what you said you knew about how you feels. She says very little unless I ask her to respond to me. But when I read "but she wants you, Shelly, to be the one to give her her enemas" she said I do want to be here.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: teen withholder

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 09:43: pm

That's okay and I'm glad you read my post to her. I know she was thinking the same things I said in it. That's why she was nodding her head and she told you she wanted to be there. She does want to be there Shelly because she is happy now and she enjoys eating now and she is civil and even talkative with her mom now. Mom told you all of that. So mom ran out of diapers about noon today because I peed in them and drank at lot and peed in them and drank a lot and begged her to let me have a dry one. Would go lay down on the living room floor where dad was watching tv to have her change me. Just let him know I was not humiliated any more and if it was a game for him he lost. Watch mom change my diaper I don't care. I was just so happy I felt okay again and no more enemas and could eat that I thought okay dad yeah I to like mom changing me. Mom caught on to what I was doing but she didn't let on because she knew how much he hurt my feelings when he made her go buy diapers and put the first one on me. But I still love him.

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[> Subject: Re: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 06:45: pm

You’re helping a lot of people.
Who knows how many silent readers are following.
I am still in awe how unknowingly to you but how all of this was set up
through you starting enemas one day with junior and one day asking your sitter to help to your sitter was actually asking for help to you reaching out to her mom and finding out sitter is a holder as well to you being the one helping to give her enemas and her mom is ok with all of this.
What a calling!

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[> [> Subject: Re: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 07:32: pm

I found this board after my girl had suffered needlessly for years AV. And I bawled many times too reading about her babysitter. It is just heartbreaking. She really needs to be on a small warm water enema every night just to empty the rectal vault once she has had a clean out like she has gotten today.

But that is not possible with the dynamics of her relationship with her mother. That also needs some serious healing and it sounds like they are getting along so much better now. Her mother says she is happy and respectful and talkative with her mother now so leaps and bounds will happen going forward.

I really do hope that Shelly has the where with all to do this enemastilclear every Sunday going forward along with a smaller but important enema on Wednesdays.

She had to have the suppository to empty her rectal vault to ready her for the colon nozzle today so she isn't yet able to have a bowel movement in under four days. Concerning but not disasterous. Clean her out every three and a half days and her colon will heal. Once you keep things moving through the colon they have a remarkable capability to recover and shrink back down.

I never had enemas growing up but at 12 years old I got dehydrated and throwing up for four days. I had to have suppositories to calm my stomach down so I could keep at least hot tea down for a few minutes. They started working but my recovery was very slow with a few more days of only tea and water. My mother used the whole jar of suppositories and I thought I was going to die when she came in my room gloved up and with my suppository. I know that in my state of mind I would have fought and kicked and bit like Shelly's little boy did if she tried to give me an enema. We as parents have to get past that. The child will get past it faster than we will.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 08:29: pm

Please ask any questions that concern you about how she did and I will answer them tomorrow. I have to go get dinner. She is giving our oldest his enema all by herself right now. Should be finishing up and putting him on the toilet about now. So I want to go give her a hug and send her off. But I just want to say we had our way with our youngest. I prepped her on how to grab his wrists and pull him down over my leg and sit on the floor in front of him and keep hold of his wrists. I told her he said this morning he wasn't having any more enemas so he is going get physical. We got him clamped in quick as snap and started his enema. And he is yelling at her to let go of him and telling her he hates her and she and I are both giggling at him. It was the first smile I saw from her all day so I'm sorry if this sounds cruel but we both just antagonized him and had our way with him and he was furious.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: teen withholder

Shelly J
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Date Posted: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 09:04: pm

Just real quickly and then tomorrow answer any questions. Yes Joyce she just wanted to be left alone while on the toilet. When she was done she would come tell me and sit on the couch while I could go see how she did. We had leakage with her soapy enema right away and almost had to let her get up. Could not get past a blockage but just in the nick of time we got past it. A very large bowel movement with her suppository. Lot stool still with the second enema. A lot of color and even a little pudding in the third so we did a fourth enema.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Monday, December 16, 2024, 01:02: am


Thanks for inviting questions. I have thought about this a lot, and I have come to the conclusion that for me to ask you to answer many detailed questions about today's clean-out on this public forum would be inappropriate. Although I do not know who sitter or her mom actually are, if they saw the amount of detail I would request to help me understand the effectiveness of your clean-out procedure it would likely destroy the trust you have built with them. I don't want to do that. Your trust is all important to my being able to help you. We could do this using my secure email, but I understand and accept your aversion to email. So I will just accept only as much detail you are willing to provide here.

Come Wednesday after school I would like you to carefully follow the procedure I detailed Sunday last week before last Wednesday's disaster and tell me the results in as much detail as you are comfortable posting here.

- Joyce

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 10:22: pm

I love this post so much. I am so glad she stayed and gave the oldest his enema and helped tame the youngest. I am sure he wasn’t a happy camper but once the enema is in him, there is nothing he can do but sit and produce. Im sure the oldest is still gloating that his younger brother is now getting enemas as well.
“I’m telling dad” didn’t help at all.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Monday, December 16, 2024, 12:31: am

Looks like J2 is going to be a handful each week. Hopefully you will eventually settle him down. Having sitter helps. I am so glad you witnessed her smile. I am sure she had a good time antagonizing J2. I know from experience being held by my brothers, after all said, all J2 could do was sit and produce, once that enema is in, it’s a done deal. Tamed him for the evening.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: teen withholder

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 08:32: am

Yeah mom and I try not to chuckle when we introduce a little one to the world of the dreaded ENEMA and they launch into outer space. They get all hissy and crying with no tears. Arms are swinging and legs are kicking and then they get pulled down over mom's leg and get their enemas. It's not like we are going to cut off one of their fingers. Most of them have never heard the word enema before or don't really understand what a large tummy filling enema is like. That's why mom and I are there because they ain't had one and told mom they ain't having one! Oh yeah, watch this!

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: teen withholder

Sue (UK)
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Date Posted: Thursday, December 26, 2024, 08:11: am

They have reason to be appalled and terrified - 'cause the fear of a tummy-filling, cramp-inducing larger-volume enema is a distant second to the primal, inborn. fear of being seized, held down, and done painfully up the dirt-passage. Rooted in a submerged memory from the first hours and days of life - the first rectal thermometer (and, for the unlucky ones, the first suppository or mini-enema).

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[> Subject: Re: question for you: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Monday, December 16, 2024, 04:13: am

Did you have something there for sitter to eat or drink to help replenish her energy or body’s nutrients after 4 enemas?
A banana or power-aid?
I bet she felt great afterwards and exhausted as well.
And to be rewarded by helping with J2 with a smile and having the honor to give J1 his enema, what a dream come true for her.

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[> [> Subject: Re: question for you: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Monday, December 16, 2024, 09:47: am


She said she had eaten a light lunch before she came. I did have her sip on a protein drink after her third enema before we did her fourth. She was really fighting anxiety. She is subdued now when she comes for enemas. It's almost like we gave her a sedative. She isn't the bubbly talkative babysitter that I just loved so much these past couple of years. But she is very cooperative and tries to follow my direction. Yeah when I got her third enema in her which I had told her would probably be her last she sat on the toilet and as I was putting the enema bag in the sink and headed for the door she said "can I give ( ) his enema?" My thinking was she is not maybe capable of doing it yet but it actually is not rocket science so she couldn't possibly mess it up too much and I think J1 likes submitting to her for a suppository or enema. He is the patient from heaven when she has him ready when I get home or when we are getting ready for his enema. She has never changed a diaper on him but she has on J2 many times so maybe there is even some jealousy there. Even at 5 and 6 kids can get jealous about the attention a sibling might be getting from mom when she changes a diaper. A lot of children who are fully potty trained and old enough to know better will start pooping or peeing their pants again when a baby is brought into the picture.

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[> Subject: Re: teen withholder

Sue (UK)
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Date Posted: Monday, December 16, 2024, 10:51: am

Having read Shelly's description of physically restraining a struggling, resistant patient, I wonder if she's ever considered using actual restraints - tying/clamping them into position. It may sound like "desperate measures", butt, it's tiresome getting through a series of enemas with lots of fighting and spanking-punishments and scream-crying - in the end we have to do whatever it takes.

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[> Subject: Re: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Monday, December 16, 2024, 02:04: pm

Hi Shelly,

It breaks my heart what this young lady is going through. My daughter is 10 and she went through much of what your sitter is now going through.

Now that you have at least got her bowels to empty every three days that is giving her colon a chance. Do you see any behaviors or signals that you think she still fights contractions in her bottom to evacuate? Sneak a look at her underwear when you have her over and see if the light brown stains are in her underwear that will be there even after going through the wash. Holders will smear their underwear quite often trying to hold it in.

You had to give her a suppository to get a bowel movement because she hasn't had one since her last enemas. They usually take 10 to 15 minutes to give them contractions. Any sign she was holding back against the suppository trying to make her go and needed prompting from you to go sit and get a poop for you?

She may be eating ferociously now. Her mom said as much. You got a large stool out of her rectum and then there was still a large enough stool in her sigmoid bend that you couldn't get the enema in her at first so her colon is delivering a lot of stool towards the rectum. I think the enemas twice a week are better than nothing.

My girl has been getting a warm water enema from an 8 oz. bulb syringe every night and will for many months. It has been life changing for the whole family and she will ask for her enema if I take to long in the evening to give it to her. Obviously that is out of the question with her refusing to let mom treat her with causing a huge rift in their relationship.

So she didn't complain or try to resist her suppository or even the fourth enema that she thought she wouldn't have to have? If she is giving you 100% cooperation she wants these enemas! She feels good and has an appetite. If she is still an active holder she doesn't have to worry about smearing her underwear and that will really lift her spirits.

She will come to look forward to enema day. She's not going to tell because like you were growing up and like Kitten Paw says, they are still degrading and humiliating but they are given by a caring loving 'mom' figure and that means all the world to them.

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[> Subject: Re: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Monday, December 16, 2024, 04:42: pm


I did check her underwear while I had her on the toilet both last Wednesday and yesterday. I pretended like I was just folding her clothes and putting them together but I made sure she saw that I was looking in her panties on Sunday because Wednesday the tell tale light brown streaking was pretty prominent in her panties. Sunday same thing. If she had any underwear that was super clean and no stains I'm pretty sure she would have wore them Sunday. I didn't say anything but she now knows that I know that she smears her underwear. At least she has sometime during the lifetime of those panties. No she doesn't exhibit any of the tell tale signs of withholding like a 4 year old would. She has gotten real good at masking by now.

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[> [> Subject: Re: teen withholder

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Date Posted: Monday, December 16, 2024, 06:49: pm

Well it sounded originally when she opened up to you about her constipation and mom making her do a Fleet enema like it was only once in a while that mom made her do a Fleet. So what she was doing was going typically four or five days or maybe even six and then having four or five good sized bowel movements the same day. When I was pregnant with my daughter I would get backed up and not have a bowel movement for four days and then I would have four bowel movements in like four of five hours. It wasn't loose stools or diarrhea, it was just four large stools one after the other. So that is what she is doing. She is having several stools in just a couple of hours or so. Her colon gets angry with her and just when your colon gives you warning that you are going to have some loose stools or diarrhea in a few minutes, her colon lets her know that she is going to think she took a stimulant laxative because she is going to empty in a few minutes. Like it or not.

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