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Subject: Re: Two boys two attitudes

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Date Posted: Monday, December 30, 2024, 05:05: am
In reply to: Shelly 's message, "Two boys two attitudes" on Sunday, December 29, 2024, 11:26: pm

It’s a losing battle for him. You had planned to start at 6 years old, I am sure you are glad you started him younger to get the fight out of him for the next 2 years. As he gets older, if he continues to be a fighter, he will get smarter. He might even start pooping in his pants with the suppository just to avoid going to the bathroom where the enema is. He might as he gets older, start locking the door as he enters. Doesn’t matter though, the enema is coming. You will have him broken way before he turns 6.
Keep the suppositories coming, force him into the bathroom, take his clothes off as he is on the toilet, and then enema.

Have you thought about the idea of sitter talking with the 4 year old, and letting her try to convince him to take an enema from her like his older brother?
We know he doesn’t like enemas, this idea may not work, but sitter might be able to convince him to allow her to give him an enema. If not, he will have to know the alternative is an enema by you and sitter.

I am glad jr is sorta a little enjoying his enema. That is good. That is one battle you are not having to fight any longer.

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[> Subject: Re: Two boys two attitudes

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Date Posted: Monday, December 30, 2024, 10:57: am

I have to ask, are you having fun with the 4 year old?
I would have to have fun with him since he is verbally abusing.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Two boys two attitudes

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Date Posted: Tuesday, December 31, 2024, 09:45: am

Well like Kitten Paw says, "It's not like we are going to cut a couple of his fingers off". "It's just an enema!" He is only four years old. He has no sense of his private parts being off limits to anyone without his permission. He can't see my face but he and sitter are in eye contact during his enemas and she can't wipe the smile off her face as he is having a melt down and feeling his tank getting filled. And then her smiling will make me giggle because it is the only smiles I see from her while she is here on Sundays and I miss her smiling happy personality that I knew for these three years as she came to sit for us and so that makes me giggle and that just sends him into outer space.

Yeah so I had the same thought about maybe he would submit to babysitter like his older brother does because our 7 year old torments him that he wants sitter to give him his enemas because she isn't mean to him like mommy is during his enemas. I had to put on my 'look kiddo you are getting this enema like it or not so get over here and get over my leg' face with him in the beginning. So I guess that makes me mean.

Our four year old is a different animal. I just don't see him accepting an enema from anyone with his attitude right now. But I'll talk to sitter about it and see what she thinks. She can maybe better relate to him on his level because he sees how worked up and close to tears she always is when she first gets here and Sundays and has to have her enemas first. She is very much like a very young child emotionally as she prepares herself for the awful enemas that she dislikes also and both my boys pick up on that. She will come out of the bathroom to tell me she has her first enema returns in the toilet for me while knowing that means she will be getting another enema to rinse her and they see and hear her demeanor and I'm sure can relate to what she is going through in that moment. 7 year old I can tell has empathy for her as he sees her going through it because he has been in the bathroom twice now watching her get her enemas and can see in her himself being the one getting the enema.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Two boys two attitudes

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Date Posted: Tuesday, December 31, 2024, 01:14: pm

I hope it works out for the 4 year old. Maybe he will follow in his older brothers steps and let the sitter give him an enema.
I’m sure the smiling and giggling is tormenting him enough.
Hopefully he will accept an enema from the sitter and that would be great.
If not, oh well, “over the knee little lad.”

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Two boys two attitudes

Sue (UK)
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Date Posted: Thursday, January 09, 2025, 04:47: pm

You'll have no choice but to fight the fighter - with the spanking brush. I speak from experience.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Two boys two attitudes

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Date Posted: Saturday, February 08, 2025, 10:50: pm

If you use a spanking implement, take it into the bathroom when it's time for his enemas, put it on the side of the sink for him to see. If needed use it,he will soon get the message. And even as he gets older and has learned to cooperate make putting the implement in his vision part of your routeen. It will forever be a reminder to cooperate when it's enema time. The fuss he puts up now is miniscule compared to what he will do when he is 11, 12 or a tween. Over time he will require an occasional reminder of what the implement feels like, but that will be rare,as long as he knows ,when it ENEMA time, it's ENEMA time. And as long as you feel your sitter is capable and agreeable to give him enemas, let her.And further let her decide when they are needed. And if he tries to get you to intervene and stop her from giving him his enemas make it utterly clear to him that she is in charge.

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