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Subject: Re: Talk to us Kitten Paw

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Date Posted: Monday, January 06, 2025, 05:48: pm
In reply to: Andrea 's message, "Re: Talk to us Kitten Paw" on Monday, January 06, 2025, 06:17: am

Yes it is a sickening thought but in our current political situation it is very very possible to be not only tolerated but promoted. Thousands of little girls of all ages who are born U.S. citizens each year go on "circumcision vacations" to countries in the eastern hemisphere. And sadly after circumcised some of them are even sold never to return to the U.S. to their mommies who unwittingly stayed in the U.S. waiting for their return.

Kitten Paw you concern me. One message you say you are going to be at your pelvic exam against your will and then you say you are too shy to protest or ask any questions. I'm worried about you. What is your mom saying? What did she say about putting you on the Anoovera ring for birth control if you don't have a steady Eddie?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Talk to us Kitten Paw

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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 07, 2025, 08:05: am

Kitten Paw,

Good questions. And it is important that you tell him you have unwanted and unexplained frequent wet panties. There are several causes possible and he will check a few things to see if it is going to be something that needs to be treated. But the vagina wants to be damp all the time to push out possible germs and to keep it lubricated so your vulva rubbing against itself doesn't chafe. Also the diarrhea is very common and all driven by flooding of hormones through out your body when you menstruate. You say you never get constipated so you are probable close to loose stools all the time. Actually a lot of girls get really constipated instead of diarrhea because they tend towards the constipated harder drier poops.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Talk to us Kitten Paw

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 07, 2025, 03:30: pm

I told mom I'm going to tell them that I am there against my will. I don't want a pelvic exam and birth control. So she basically told the truth that dad is pushing all of this and that I am a child and I have no choice. The Anoovera ring will not be put in me until they think I'm seeing boys by myself. They chose that so mom can monitor me to make sure I stay on my birth control. She will put it in me or watch me put it in and she will check me a couple of times while I'm suppose to keep it in for three weeks. Then she will take it out of me to force my period for a week and then back in again. She says you don't get a boyfriend first and then go to the Dr. for birth control because you will end up going to him because you missed a period. The reason I'm pissed off about circumcision is because there was a really cool but shy girl with super black hair and beautiful dark brown eyes in my class two years ago. We talked and chatted a lot in classes we shared. She disappeared shortly after school started and mom told me her dad was from Egypt and her mom was an American citizen. He told her mom he wanted to take her to Egypt and show her around. Mom needed to stay home with two more young children. He came back to America two weeks later without her. I'm not an idiot. I know Egypt cuts the clitoris out of their little girls. And they love to do it just before or after they start having their periods. And then they are sometimes sold to the highest bidder. Usually really old men because they are the only ones that have the money to buy her.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Talk to us Kitten Paw

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 07, 2025, 07:58: pm

Well I got corner time, spanking, nice huge warm enema, threats, shower, shaved smooth and now I'm all ready for my pelvic exam tomorrow. Yippee

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Talk to us Kitten Paw

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Date Posted: Wednesday, January 08, 2025, 06:16: am

Hey Sweetheart,

I'm sure that must have broken your heart when you learned he took her to Egypt. Those stories are repeated thousands of times every year, every day practically all over the world. The rich sheiks of Saudi Arabia send men to countries all over the world but especially countries with young fair hair and fair skin teenagers. They find these young girls at parties or bars and shower them with attention and manage to get them on a plane and they are gone for ever. Most of them are taken to a Dr. that has a special clinic just to circumcise women. There is a site on the web about her clinic. She has all women staff. 8 patient rooms that have no door handle on the inside. She has three operating rooms. The gyno table actually looks like a big black lounge chair. She is put in it sitting. There are straps that go over the legs in two places, over the top of each foot, over her belly in two places. Each wrist is in a cuff positioned up to her shoulders. As the chair raises and turns into an exam table her legs are spread completely and drawn up towards her elbows. She is immediately given a rectal stimulant to make her poop. Shaved, sanitized and her clitoris including the nerve going all the way in to the wishbone part that surrounds the vagina is cut out of her and that part above her urethra is sewn together to make her tighter for her owner. Then in a couple days after she has recovered she is taken to her owner. Her family may not even ever find out that she got on a plane. I'm sorry every body if that is TMI but that is what happens when you let the richest men in the country make the laws. Is that what we want in America. It sickens me!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Talk to us Kitten Paw

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Date Posted: Wednesday, January 08, 2025, 07:22: am

topic: female circumcision and sexual slavery Saudi Arabia

Dr. Muzafarr. she and her trained nurses are producing multiple circumcised girls for the taking every day.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Talk to us Kitten Paw

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Date Posted: Thursday, January 09, 2025, 07:02: am

Kitten Paw,

We need to hear that you are okay. You don't have to share details of your medical work up. They are extensive when you are in for your first time. They can be a bit overwhelming to a young girl such as yourself. Just please let us know that you are okay.

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