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Subject: Re: Two steps forward, one step back

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Date Posted: Saturday, January 25, 2025, 03:15: am
In reply to: Shelly 's message, "Two steps forward, one step back" on Thursday, January 23, 2025, 09:26: am

Hope it gets better and sitter is able to take control of her BM’s and produce on a regular schedule. Seems her plan is to wait until her body wants to do a BM and then go. The issue with that from past information is she gets constipated and of course that makes it more difficult. Simply training her body to sit at a certain time of the day will even help. She knows all the secrets to having a BM, the breathing, the relaxing, even drinking room temp water and eating a banana will help. Fiber food as well.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Two steps forward, one step back

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Saturday, January 25, 2025, 11:11: am

I agree with Sue. She holds in her bowel movements until she smears her underwear. You said she wore underwear all the time she came over for her enemas that she had smeared. She isn't all of a sudden going to decide to stop holding in her stool. If she is 16 and holding in her stool then she has been doing it for a very long time. You need to be sure she gives you a bowel movement every night. No guessing. No taking her word for it. If she doesn't like your making her poop for you and doesn't want any more enemas she would start pooping on her own. She probably can't have a bowel movement every day or even every other day because her colon is stretched. That's why you are giving her enemas. To clean her out. Make sure she has a bowel movement every day and you can prove she did.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Two steps forward, one step back

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Date Posted: Friday, January 31, 2025, 02:28: pm

I have no drama to report. The three children in this house have come to terms with their regular weekly enema. Very little fussing. And the now 16 year old is getting a bowel movement on her own about half of the time. When she doesn't I give her a quick enema from the 8oz. bulb syringe as she is getting ready for bed. Then a more aggressive soapsuds then rinse enema for her once a week. She gets here pretty late in the evening Sunday so she misses helping with either of the boy's enemas because she also leaves for home Friday right away after she stops here right from school and I give her a quick enema to get a Fri. poop from her.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Two steps forward, one step back

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Date Posted: Saturday, February 01, 2025, 03:30: am

Great to hear all is well.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Two steps forward, one step back

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Date Posted: Saturday, February 01, 2025, 09:08: pm


Has sitter had her appointment with the GI doc yet? If so, what did the doc suggest going forward?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Two steps forward, one step back

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Date Posted: Saturday, February 08, 2025, 10:33: pm

Shelly, you have really tried your best in getting you sitter on a regimen. You fully understand that keeping her colon empty will give her the best chance of having regular bowels movements in the future and avoiding soiling. Maybe you need to let her fail for a while, and come to the conclusion that she needs your help. It probably won't take long for her to become very constipated,even impacted. Let her make the next step of having to plead with you for help. When that happens inform her that you will only help her if she agrees to whatever regimen you decide on for her treatment.And that the regimen will vary depending on her results and her cooperation. Inform her that she needs to fully agree to a 6 month regimen to start, with a possible added 6 months depending on her progress, to be souly determined by you. She needs to know that daily enemas will be used for at least the first 2 months. Positions,solutions,times, equipment, and number of rinse enemas souly determined by you. You should also routinely check her temperature rectally, and inform her that spankings will always be an option. I would be happy to discuss enema regimens with you anytime. I also hope your regular enemas for the boys are going well. Keeping up with these regular , scheduled enemas can be quite time consuming, but will be worth it in the long run. Hopefully the sitter will learn the importance of someone controlling her bottom also. For her, some of the issue is embarrassment, that feeling will never leave her, so don't try ignore that, acknowledge it and help her understand she is not alone. She will witness this more herself with the boys as they learn just how embarrassing being given enemas will be for them.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Progress?

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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 03:16: pm


It's been almost two weeks sine we have heard from you. Are you making progress toward your long-term goals for your boys and their sitter? Hope all is well.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Progress?

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 13, 2025, 08:46: pm

Hi All,

I have no drama to report. A little bit of fussing still when 16 year old that boards with us for the rest of the school year arrives Sunday evening to start the new school week and I clean her out immediately when she arrives. She gets a really large soapsuds enema and then a smaller rinse enema. She arrives late in the evening thinking I won't take the hour and a half of her bedtime to clean her out but she loses every time. For her daily required bowel movement we basically have come to an agreement. She doesn't even try as near as I can tell to get a poop for me before bed so I give her a one fill of the 8oz. enema bulb at bedtime. As for my boys: they are required to give me a poop every other day. They about half of the time have to have a bulb enema to get one also. The youngest gets his weekly one bag enema on Wednesday evenings and sitter likes it give it to him. She bathes him and then gives him his enema. She likes doing that and he doesn't give her any trouble because he doesn't want me helping. Like his older brother used to not like enemas from me. But on Fridays sitter stops immediately after school and I get a bowel movement from her and then she leaves for the weekend. Does not stay to give enema to our oldest boy because he doesn't get his enema until after his bath near bedtime and she is long gone then. That's basically it. Sitter has adjusted to boarding with us. Seems happy and has a good appetite and knows what is expected of her with her pooping.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Progress?

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Date Posted: Friday, February 14, 2025, 05:57: am

Great to hear from you.
Any thoughts from jr now since sitter has moved to giving little jr his enemas only? Jr was the one getting the enemas at first from sitter but now not.
Any thoughts of changing his enema day so sitter could give him enemas again as well?
Glad to hear little jr may be somewhat conditioned to accepting his enemas now without perhaps too much of a fuss. You stayed the course.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Progress?

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Date Posted: Friday, February 14, 2025, 09:17: am


Well I do like giving enemas too. So I want to give one of the boys their enema. The boys don't give her or me any static anymore. They know the enema will happen and they accept it now. She knows her enema clean outs are going to happen too but she comes here late Sunday evenings hoping she can avoid them. I called her mom and asked her to please send her here earlier for her enemas but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears so far. She knows if she gets here in time for our older boy's enema she can give it to him so I'm not changing his enema night. I like it being on Sun. eve so he is cleaned out for school for no holding issues for at least a couple of days.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Progress?

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Date Posted: Friday, February 14, 2025, 12:33: pm

I am so glad the boys have accepted their enemas. I was so afraid little jr was going to continue to resist. What I really love is you have him conditioned at 4 instead of 6, two years earlier.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Progress?

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Date Posted: Friday, February 14, 2025, 03:55: pm


Any advice from the GI doctor?


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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Progress?

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Monday, February 17, 2025, 06:16: pm

Joyce, you missed one of her posts. She said they have decided to push sitter's exam with a bowel specialist ahead a few months. She has sitter having a bowel movement every day except Mondays and Saturdays. Monday is a free day because she was super cleaned out on Sunday evening. And Saturday sitter is not in town to come give a bowel movement. She says sitter is healthy, happy, eating well, gaining weight and all is looking good. At mom's clinic that would be considered a huge win for a 16 year old who has been a holder for a long time now. Her colon is getting a chance to shrink back down to normal size and strength. She is a very lucky girl Shelly has her in her house to get bowel movements from her daily.

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