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Subject: Two steps forward, one step back

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Date Posted: Thursday, January 23, 2025, 09:26: am

So we had the 'talk' last night about where she is and why with a badly stretched out colon. It was pretty much a one way chat with her in tears and me going over again why it is important that she give her colon and rectum a chance to shrink back down to a healthy condition. That bed wetting on set when you are a teen, wearing underwear that has been smeared in time and time again is a sign that you are not emptying your rectum often enough. So therefore she will be required to give me a bowel movement every evening except the evening after I empty her whole colon with the soapsuds enema and rinses. This will include stopping here immediately after school before going home for the weekend. Her side of the conversation was pretty much falling back to the beginning. She is almost 16. She feels like I am potty training her. She doesn't want any more enemas. She doesn't like me making her get on the toilet to BM. I told her the gloves and lube and 8oz. bulb syringe are in her bathroom. I invite her to get her own bowel movement each evening how ever she wants to. Only rule, I have to see the proof. A picture will do. If no bowel movement by bedtime then I will get a bowel movement from her. Last night at bedtime, no proof. Probably no sitting. No attempt to poop. So over my leg for a bulb syringe enema, stay in place for about two minutes and let her up. I give her the whole evening and the supplies to get her stool in the toilet but she either can't or won't. However since the castor oil clean out not even an inkling of back talk or sassiness.

The oral laxative idea. I'm not prepared to start another fight about getting oral laxatives down her throat. And I don't want to take a chance on loosing any credibility I have gained so far by causing her to mess her underwear at school because she is a holder and I fear she will fight a laxative trying to make her go at school at an inconvenient time.

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