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Subject: JBL is "Joy Beauty Love"

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 20, 2025, 09:21: pm

I am a Great Grandmother in my 70's. The JBL enema bag was always and still is the preferred method of getting an enema in a child in our family . Or adult for that matter. I witnessed a few enemas given over a mother's lap or on the kitchen table with all sorts of devices and syringes. Neighbor's kids, mom's sister's kids, toddlers and adolescents. It was rare in the 50's to be a child that had not experienced enemas. Kitten Paw, I can remember having slumber parties with several girls and we would do actual rectal temps and sneak the enema nozzle and insert it and pretend to give enemas. The early JBL nozzles then were not any different from just a small rectal nozzle is nowadays. RB I grew up with three sisters and one brother. We sat on the JBL once every week for an enema. But we were allowed privacy. We got our enema on a different night from the other siblings. Count your blessings with monthly enema and not weekly. The early JBL bags didn't have a flow control valve but the holes were very small so you still got your enema delivered at a decent tolerable pace. I used the same procedure on my three daughters as mom did and as you described RB. High chair until you are too big for it. Then a tall chair so your feet don't reach the floor so you can not lift yourself off the bag. Enemas were started at school age. The younger children (and this is true even now for my great grand children who are of enema age now) knowing what the enemas are because their older sisters are getting them, often fight and have to have spankings to get compliance. But they eventually cooperate. Maybe the first three of four times they have to be spanked AV and then they give in. I was able to purchase JBL bags with flow control for my daughters and my grand daughters and step grand daughters have a few JBL bags but the JBL bag just isn't available and hasn't been for several years and they eventually just give out and leak. But we have a step stool for the child to step to the high chair or tall kitchen chair and turn around and mom spreads their cheeks while they lower to feel for the point of the nozzle to touch their anus and then they lower down all the way on to the bag. For the first two years or so they always have their arms ace bandaged together too so they can't lift up off the bag because we let them be alone with bathroom door closed for the 20 minutes we want them sitting on the bag. The JBL bag will hold over 5 liters but there is a lot of water still in the bag even when an adult sits on it for an enema. So we would usually put three liters in for a young child and then increase as they grow to get an acceptable enema in them. I stopped mandatory weekly enemas when they started High School but all my daughters still took an enema on occasion because that is just what they knew as normal bowel health. And they did the same with their daughters. I have currently 12 great grandchildren that get weekly enemas or are approaching enema age.

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[> Subject: Re: JBL is "Joy Beauty Love"

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Saturday, February 22, 2025, 01:51: pm

Maude, that is so interesting. I'm picturing an adolescent sitting on the JBL with their feet dangling and their arms crossed and wrapped together so they can't stop the flow of their enema and sitting there for 20 minutes yelling for you to see if they are out of time yet and can get on the toilet. Just sitting there with their own thoughts and feeling their enema continuing to work up inside them. You talked a lot about girls but are there not very many boy children? Do you still give enemas at your house to great grandchildren? Did you give them to grandchildren? Does anybody ever leak and make a mess sitting to take an enema? So your mom most likely got shaved and an enema every time she gave birth. Did you have your children in the 1970's? Did they make you have enemas too? Mom has medical journals and bulletins that I snoop through on our home PC. A lot of new Obstetric Male Doctors again order an enema for labor rooms because they don't like dealing with poop. The bulletins say the new moms can say no to the enema but the Doctor's tell the nurses not to tell them they can say no so they don't know any better and they get the enemas. My BFF is fascinated by my getting enemas regularly and we are plotting to get her here for a weekend and have her pretend to be feeling bad with a tummy ache to see if we can trick mom into giving her a 3H enema! I think she is nuts! I told her she won't like it but she is obsessed to get an enema telling my mom that she has never had an enema (she really hasn't) and that please don't give her an enema but mom telling her it is best to get an enema and get it over with to make her tummy ache go away. We are going to try to pull it off over Easter vacation.

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[> Subject: Re: JBL is "Joy Beauty Love"

Bonnie's Kid (Joy...full)
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Date Posted: Saturday, February 22, 2025, 08:23: pm

I really enjoyed your post Maude. It conjured up many memories from back in the "golden age" where enemas were far more common. I have had experience with the JBL knockoffs. It was a rather unique way to irrigate the lower bowel and allow for some movement and free hands.

Those knockoffs did have a flow control lever. The downside was that they invariably leaked. For some reason, it always seemed that a greater volume could be administered, even though seated.

When I finally gave mine up, I fashioned an "enema chair" that seemed to be a viable alternative. A pvc patio chair was cheap and easily adapted to allow a seated enema without fear of soiling fabric cushions etc. If desired, it could be used in the shower stall or tub to further alleviate concerns about soiling.

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