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Date Posted: 15:18:05 08/17/02 Sat
Author: Kaven
Subject: Re: lol
In reply to: Zeno~Vannea 's message, "lol" on 13:42:57 08/17/02 Sat

He grabs some larger pieces of wood, dry and long, just in case, it could be a long storm by the looks of it. He returns the grin, and enters the cave. He sets down the wood, and looks around.
"Wow, Zeno," he says in awe, eyes taking in the lush green vines covering the blue-grey stones. The plants were vines, but with enormous flowers, the size of his hand, and all different colors. He walks over to one of them, taking in the size, shape, and color. He feels the petals gently, and turns to look at her. He grins. " My good lady,i must say your judgement in shelter is superb. Indeed, i have never seen flowers such as these." he gently lets the flower go, and sits around the pile of sticks and stones.

"Perhaps you would be so kind as to help with the fire, Vannea," he grins "i would not want to put anyone in danger by trying to start one myself. It has been quite a while since the training in my youth. He takes off his jacket, as the very presence of the dragon is warming the cave nicely. He sits on it, and turns to Zeno, almost embarrassed. "Er-you said something about having some. . food?" he says with a smile." I have a little, quite a large brownie that that wonderful cook of the feasting hall gave me. However, it may be a little cold.

Are you thirsty?"

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